A Title Nobody Wants; A Historic Distinction None Want Remembered – IOTW Report

A Title Nobody Wants; A Historic Distinction None Want Remembered

The Detroit Pistons are the worst team in the NBA (3-32) and had been on an epic losing streak, but that’s not going to be their lasting legacy. They have the potential to be named the worst team in All of North American professional sports history. More

That unique dis”stink”sion could be for all time. Watch

22 Comments on A Title Nobody Wants; A Historic Distinction None Want Remembered

  1. Maybe, but back in 89 and 90 when they went back to back under Chuck Daly and the Bad Boy bunch they gave us some of the best and most entertaining basketball ever played.
    Now it a bunch of babies always crying to the refs

  2. Where are pistons now made? Probably not Detroit. Is anything made in Detroit except crime?

    What a terrible ending for what was once a great American city. Liberals killed it.

  3. I rarely respond to someone like you, an insignificant dweeb who contributes NOTHING to a discussion except pure hate and vitriol. It leads me to the conclusion that you are nothing more than a nasty, little self-absorbed booger-pickin, pimple-popping, fart-cupping, butt-picking, finger-licking, seat-sniffing, ballbag-slapping, nipple-twisting, pissed off, Communist Shitpickle who dwells in his mother’s basement and sides as a buns-up kneeling concubine to Uncle Xi in his spare time (which I’m sure is a LOT) Try coming up with a screen name like… Irving.

    He wuz short and fat, packin a ten year old Dell,
    With a glass of Mogen David listening to Art Fkn Bell,
    He was a radical Leftist and nasty clear through,
    Not ot mention that he wuz yellow too…
    They called him Irving.
    Big Irving.
    Big, short Irving.
    Big, short, fat Irving Shitpickle
    The hundred and forty-second dumbest commenter in the land!


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