A Town Called Defiance – IOTW Report

A Town Called Defiance

Washington Examiner

A small town in Wisconsin could face legal action from the Department of Justice for its refusal to offer voters with disabilities electronic voting machines instead of paper ballots

The town of Thornapple, Wisconsin, [link added] is breaking the law by refusing to make voting machines available to voters with disabilities, according to a complaint filed with the Wisconsin Elections Commission. This comes after the Justice Department warned the town against its practice of only using hand-counted, paper ballots during the state’s primary election earlier this year. More

The DOJ is also threatening an even smaller community called Lawrence. Here

11 Comments on A Town Called Defiance

  1. Why cannot people with disabilities ask for assistance? All they need to do is tell or show a voting judge who they want to vote for.

    I mean, how was this handled 10 years ago? Fucking government jackasses!

  2. They’re trying to intimidate these small communities into complying with the threat of huge lawsuits. They know the resources for a court fight are quite limited and they want to make an example to rural governments across the nation not to oppose their ability to suppress and steal the vote.

  3. “They’re trying to intimidate these small communities into complying with the ”

    Google Shasta County California. Those people have balls. And the state and the feds are afraid of them.

  4. In five years of being an election inspector in Milwaukee County, I have yet to have a person use these wasteful pieces of crap. Most Democrats can’t even fill out a regular ballot.

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