A Trillion Here, A Trillion There… – IOTW Report

A Trillion Here, A Trillion There…

Do democrats ever propose a policy that doesn’t explode the deficit? First article I see this morning is, “Slavery reparations could carry a $17 trillion price tag. Here

Then there’s “Medicaid for all” that starts at $32 trillion over just 10 years. The gaggle of candidates on the first night squabbled over whether you’d be allowed to keep your private insurance under such a program. Here 

Bernie, being the certified socialist, doubled down by calling for  “Medicaid for All,” including illegal immigrants to his to-do list if ever he gets into the white house.

The president just laughed at the lunacy as Bernie dragged the rest of the field over the fiscal cliff with him last night. More

All the wild proposals make the bill for college debt forgiveness ($1.6 trillion) seem almost moderate by comparison. More

9 Comments on A Trillion Here, A Trillion There…

  1. The simple fact is this, there is no one DC that cares a twit about the national debt, not any of the deficient degenerates on the left running for president, not Trump, not any of his advisers, not McConnell, not McCarthy, not anyone in power there that can do something about it. The template is clear, practiced on both sides; pander to your base and obtain power at any cost, it’s not your money so why worry about it, the voters only care about the here and now, it’s the next generations’s problem, they will curse us, but hey, we got ours.

  2. Also, figure in the cost of my jail time for refusing to pay taxes to pay for all this bullshit Democrat socialist garbage!

  3. Truly mind boggling. All this graft on the backs of people who are hard working enough to have left over, at the waning of every moon, enough money to buy a pair of shitty chinese work boots. Or every year, purchase a good pair of US made work boots. Let’s fuck the guys who work hard enough, and are lucky enough (I think we have to take luck into account when we look at the droughts and floodings of the last 12 months) to have enough money to go bigger. Let’s fuck them out of some fucking boots and a better tractor. Let’s fuck them out of their seeds. Let’s fuck them out of a bigger hay mower that allows them more time to be humans. Haying is a big part of our job. Do any of these fucking clowns know what it takes to overwinter stock? The more we pay the more we pay. We eat at the same table.

  4. Voters could fix this by voting them out but sadly, we are now at the point where too many are getting “free stuff” from the government (those of us who actually pay taxes) and will keep voting those in who keep promising more,


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