A Tsunami of Cope Approaches After Criminal Case Against Donald Trump Implodes – IOTW Report

A Tsunami of Cope Approaches After Criminal Case Against Donald Trump Implodes

RedState| Bonchie: In a surprise move, the top prosecutors pursuing criminal charges against Donald Trump in New York have suddenly resigned. That came after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg expressed doubt about the ability of the case to move forward. Of note is that Bragg himself is a far-left figure, rebuffing any claims of political favoritism toward Trump.

This comes per The New York Times, and you can just feel the distress in every word of the article.

The two prosecutors leading the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into former President Donald J. Trump and his business practices abruptly resigned on Wednesday amid a monthlong pause in their presentation of evidence to a grand jury, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The stunning development comes not long after the high-stakes inquiry appeared to be gaining momentum, and throws its future into serious doubt.

The prosecutors, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, submitted their resignations after the new Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, indicated to them that he had doubts about moving forward with a case against Mr. Trump, the people said.

Bragg’s predecessor had accelerated the probe last fall, empaneling a grand jury and receiving much fanfare, especially from the media-sphere. Once Bragg took office, the case appeared to be moving ahead as planned, but these resignations testify to some kind of major internal shift. If Bragg was now expressing doubts about the case moving forward, that signals that he doesn’t believe the evidence is there for a conviction. Remember, prosecutors hate to pursue cases they don’t think they can win, and I don’t believe these resignations would have happened if this criminal case against Trump hadn’t imploded. read more

14 Comments on A Tsunami of Cope Approaches After Criminal Case Against Donald Trump Implodes

  1. that might be good news, but also remember when 2 FDA officials resigned last August, over vaxxinating kids. That didn’t change mush. MSM laundered it for us.
    where the bus goes depends on who is driving the bus, and ultimately on who it is that determines who gets to drive.
    I don’t see anything quoting the DA, just ‘according to sources’ types of things. Perhaps the lawyers quit because they wouldn’t go along with what was going on.
    This might be laundry. And they have starch, too.

  2. I bathe in Anymouse’s copius tears…

    Go bathe in Cheetos you red diaper doper babies, scream at the sky, and ask your master Lucifer why he seems so unable to harpoon the great orange whale.

    Cisco Kid, I’m assuming that you are addressing Anonymous. Anymouse is the screen name of one of our readers and commenters. Anymouse is a patriot and would never say the crap that Anonymous says. Please address Anonymous as “Anonymous” or “Anon” from now on. I would appreciate it and I’m sure Anymouse would appreciate it, too. Thank you. – Claudia

  3. It’s not like Trump was a Secretary of State who had a “charitable” foundation that accepted donations from foreign players and that foundation benefitted not only the Secretary of State, but her family too. Sure, there was an appearance of impropriety, but it wasn’t like there was any influence peddling – particularly if you didn’t bother to look for it.

    Similarly, it’s not like a Vice-President’s son with no real skills or experience and a drug/hooker habit that would choke a horse is worth looking into – even if that Vice-President’s son did eventually leave a laptop which contains communications with a “big guy” who was apparently benefitting financially. Absolutely nothing to see here.

    So we investigate Trump instead and find…nothing. We hire a special counsel to spearhead this investigation and find…nothing. The FBI investigates and, despite some corruption by the FBI director that isn’t worth looking into and a couple of FBI agents using their office to interfere with politics, finds…nothing.

    The swamp even had help from non-government actors. The media, who can make up whatever they want, banged the Russia-gate drum until Mueller torpedoed the narrative and continued to do so up to the point when the evidence showed that Clinton’s campaign was actually behind the Russia collusion claims. Anti-trumpers took a break from molesting young people to agitate for a Trump conviction. Now these people are wondering why they aren’t taken seriously.

    We don’t have Trump as President to kick around anymore. Instead, we have a career politician who, on his best day, was mediocre and demonstrates his ignorance and incompetence on virtually a daily basis. Our nation and the world has become a much scarier place as a result.

  4. When I’m on my gal’s computer, the “news service” that Microsoft pulls information(fake news) from are all left and far left sources like The Guardian and Atlantic.

    Every fucking “news” story about Trump consistently paints him as desperate. out of touch, losing his base…blahblahblah. They have been breathless for weeks about this bullshit in NY and now? Crickets.

    They use some kind of filter when comments are even allowed, which is infrequent, that screens out my derisive and laughter filled ones.

  5. There is absolutely nothing more contemptible than a worthless cocksucker who desires to see an innocent man convicted. Watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and the commentary surrounding that is when I came to the realization that each and every one of the people who were wishing to see an innocent man convicted were no less contemptible than the ones who were involved in that fiasco.

  6. The pleasure of watching the leftist soy boy beta male cucks, and I suppose, their whores, cry to the moon over Orange Man Bad and drive their ships upon the rocks to sink in base ignominy cannot be overstated. Were they any but what they are I would feel shame in such joy.


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