A Two-Year-Old Can Paint Better Than Hunter – IOTW Report

A Two-Year-Old Can Paint Better Than Hunter


Art collectors are clamoring to get their hands on the work of a new artist – and when I say ‘new’, I mean he’s only been on the planet for about two years.

That’s right, the newest little Picasso on the block is a two-year-old boy from Bavaria in Germany.

Laurent Schwarz isn’t quite recreating van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’, but his abstract pieces of work are good enough to catch the attention of experts who want to do a lot more than just hang his pieces on the fridge. More

18 Comments on A Two-Year-Old Can Paint Better Than Hunter

  1. Stop the world. I want to get off.
    I’m not critical of the kid having a fun time slapping paint around. I did it myself.
    I’m frustrated that all these people are feigning over him. It’s not like he is doing a better job than any other kid his age.
    Oh – and cunter biden is a sleazeball crook.

  2. I saw a display of paintings earlier today. She had 3 or 4 that looked li9ke sloppy Monet’s. Another 3 or 4 in the Baroque style. And the last group of 4 or 5 were full on Jackson Pollack with the paint splatters. If she had worked on her own style I would have been more impressed.

  3. Immediately after the defense entered the entire lap top as evidence I read several legal scholars asking. Are You Fing Kidding me? They just left the entire laptop open to prying minds. It’s public record. I’ve seen some video that if proven to be authentic would lead me to believe Hunter should be permanently confined to a jail cell with a new boy friend. I guess we’ll see.

  4. “Hunter appreciates occupying your tiny mind 24/7/365, to bad there’s not much space left for anything else”

    To damn funny coming from a person that gives Trump money daily to live in their head. Speaken of head, how good are you?

  5. What is extraordinary fools flock to buy $7,000 paintings of a two year old and even more for a crack addict’s.
    Is this 2 year old related to Biden and is he giving Joe his 10%.


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