A Typical Day at Twitter – IOTW Report

A Typical Day at Twitter

Libs of TikTok shares a Twitter employee’s workday. Watch

10 Comments on A Typical Day at Twitter

  1. Peter, the main character in “Office Space”, the movie from which a lot of the graphics on this site originate, has a great line. When queried by the hired efficiency experts as to his typical work day, “I usually get in about 30 minutes late everyday, I take the back door so nobody sees me, and then when I get to my desk I turn on my computer. I sit staring at my computer for about an hour and just zone out. After that I usually take my coffee break and chat with some of the other employees. It’s then lunch time and I usually take about an hour and a half for that. And then in the afternoon it’s pretty much rinse and repeat. I’d say on any given week I probably put in a good 15 minutes of actual work.”.

    Definitely some one to emulate.

  2. I worked 50 hours a week outside building
    bridges,docks and commercial piers. I got
    30 minutes for lunch.Sandwich,apple & RC cola
    in a dirty tool shed for 13 years.I wouldn’t
    trade any of it for that yuppie-twitter crap.


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