A Very Sad Story – IOTW Report

A Very Sad Story

I just heard a sad story about a Nigerian man who died.

Authorities found $350,000,000 in cash in his apartment.

He had been trying to give it away for years but no one would return his emails.

Sad. So sad.

18 Comments on A Very Sad Story

  1. I feel so stupid for Grabbing My Hockey whistle and Blasting it into the phone when his cousin, also from Nigeria, would phone me and try to help me avoid Tax Jail.

    I’m a very Bad Man.

  2. …he was found with a phone in his hand, with the person on the other end still desperately trying to sell him an extended car warranty before it was too late…

  3. I tried to help the guy by buying a time-share condo from him. I wish I would have done more. I feel so inadequate. I feel responsible. I just want to crawl into a hole and die.

  4. Eugenia
    MAY 10, 2022 AT 7:03 PM
    “Oh darn. I almost sent him $5,000 for a plane ticket because he said he wanted to marry me.”

    …one of my retort operators years ago was a middle aged little blonde woman, and right around Enduring Freedom when we first started to get African Muslims in the plant, one such (they were kinda new to us at the time so I don’t know if he was Nigerian or not) kept hitting on her and asking her to marry him, which she wasn’t interested in to begin with, but REALLY wasn’t interested when he got into details.

    Seems he already had THREE wives back home, and he told her “I have one of each race but White (to him there were four races apparently), and he wanted her to be his White wife to round out his collection, and upon acceptance and consummation she would be shipped back home to live with his other wives on that phat low-level early 2000s factory worker bank he was making.

    She declined his offer. I can’t imagine why…

  5. That’s so sad.
    True story – I received one of his personal letters he sent from Nigeria back in the early 1990’s. Even though I didn’t respond I kept it for sentimental reasons.

  6. I sent him a couple thousand USD back in 2002. I never heard from him again. I did not get part of his inheritance like he promised me. I didn’t even get a receipt, and he never answered my letters and emails threatening to inform the Nigerian police of his nefarious and fraudulent business activities. I made an expensive long distance call to Lagos Police HQ and after being on hold for 7 hours I told the policeman about their Prince of Thieves and how he stole my money. The policeman laughed and hung up.

    Well then I decided to really put my foot down and told my wife I shall never again do business with that blackfaced scoundrel!!! That’ll teach him a thing or two.


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