A Victory, of Sorts – IOTW Report

A Victory, of Sorts

The US Rhythmic Gymnastics team finished dead last in Rio, which is really good since its the first time a team from this country ever qualified to make it to the Olympics for this event.  The team was formed four years ago and has been training in suburban Chicago.

The women toiled in obscurity for seven hours a day, six days a week, dedicating themselves to a sport few appreciate or understand. Making fun of rhythmic gymnastics has become an unofficial Olympic event in North America, with its detractors insisting that no real sport could possibly include a hula hoop or a stick with a 6-meter ribbon on the end.


Watch them perform their routine in back in May Here

(I counted five drops, so it must be harder than it looks.)

14 Comments on A Victory, of Sorts

  1. The Olympics has really gone downhill since I was a kid. I mean, volleyball an Olympic sport? Badminton, handball, canoeing, golf, synchronized swimming, table tennis (ping pong), tennis? Seriously? And now Rhythmic Gymnastics? What’s next, solo TV watching? Some of the ‘sports’ that are being allowed into the Olympics are flat out ridiculous. Soon, it will be set up so that anyone who wants to compete, will be allowed to compete, no matter what ‘sport’, and everyone wins, and everyone gets a medal

  2. It was a nice video,
    I will like the Olympics again when the story about that muslim bastard refusing to shake the Israeli’s hand gets the attention it deserves.
    That was worse by far, than whatever the stupid ass swimmers did.
    What the swimmers did was drunken hooliganism.
    What that muslim bastard did was take a shit on the very spirit of the Olympics and got away with it.
    I will like the Olympics again one day when this stuff is important.
    That, and having contests like wrestling bears, lions and bulls and choking them out like Hercules.
    Then I will attend.

  3. Reminds me of that credit card (I think) commercial with the winter Olympian attempting to do summer sports by throwing the hammer. . . .and hitting her own foot.

  4. ‘ta hell? Looks like a spirit team – one of the eleventy million support participants for Texas sports.

    It’s an Olympic competition now? Urban parking – a lot more demanding and requiring more creativity – should be next.

  5. It’s a team thing now? Wasn’t it supposed to be a single person competition? One did ribbon, another did hoops and another used a big ball? I think this area of gymnastics is to show hand-eye coordination and grace. Oh well.

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