A video of a baby in the first trimester must be seen – IOTW Report

A video of a baby in the first trimester must be seen

Watch this clump of cells.

Video HERE

18 Comments on A video of a baby in the first trimester must be seen

  1. The abortion issue was the main point that brought me around to be a conservative. During the conversion/transition process I actually went to the library and got one of those heavy legal jurisprudence books and read Roe V Wade.
    I used to parrot the standard “it’s a woman’s right to choose to do what she wants with her body”. Then I realized this discussion isn’t about her body.

  2. Every major disagreement point between liberals and conservatives can be boiled down to what is life, what is life worth living, what is life worth defending, what is life worth fighting for, what is life worth dying for.
    Abortion, euthanasia, slavery, illegal immigration – all are the same exact conversation.
    Look back at the Lincoln/Douglas debates.
    We are having the same exact disagreements now that we were having over 150 years ago.
    The illegal immigration issue is no different that the slavery issue.
    What do we do with the people who were brought here through no fault of their own? What do we do with the people who were born here to people who should have never been here and they know no other country?
    The people who come here and work “under the table” – do they work for fair market value wages? If you worked for half of what you currently make – wouldn’t you say you are working for slave wages?
    Throughout the ages conservatives have said all life is worth living and prospering.
    While liberals have consistently tried to redefine it and take advantage of it – at every stage of the game.

  3. OK…I have a buddy that’s a Gynecologist (Snatch Mechanic) and one of these days I’m going to ask him WHY the gestation period for humans is in three segments, was the first GYN a HOCKEY PLAYER before medicine?

    Why not FOR QUARTERS…or even better yet NINE INNINGS!

  4. They can’t tell me that it’s not a baby when my son and his wife are expecting their second child in July and my daughter and son in law are expecting their 2nd in Sept. Although my daughter did get accused by her brother of being a copy cat. I knew it was coming when they farmed out Esther to her other grandparents for a few days, hey I was married for 30+years so I know how this works.

  5. Wasn’t there a video some time back of the sperm swimmer and the egg meeting?

    When that event occurred, there was a real, actual spark of light — many called it the Spark of Life.

    To me, the beginning of life.

  6. Where is Skank in Red to tell us all about how this is an unviable tissue mass and about a woman’s right to choose.

    She normally can’t shut up about it on these types of threads.

  7. The Priest says “Life begins with birth”!
    The Southern Baptist minister says “Life begins at conception”!
    The Rabbi says “Life begins when the kids grow up and leave home, and the dog dies”!


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