A whistleblower emerges at a federal-funded nuclear weapons lab – IOTW Report

A whistleblower emerges at a federal-funded nuclear weapons lab

There is a civil war erupting at Sandia Labs.

American Thinker:

Two weeks ago, we learned that Sandia National Laboratories, one of only three National Nuclear Security Administration research and development laboratories in the United States, was mandating that its white, male executives attend anti-white training sessions.  Since then, a whistleblower has emerged, describing in detail the anti-white “critical race theory” that Sandia’s management is foisting on employees at all levels, even though these racial attacks in the material manifestly violate federal law.

In mid-August, Christopher Rufo published a Twitter thread about a blatantly anti-white seminar at Sandia.  To understand how wrong that seminar was, you need to know that Sandia, as a taxpayer-funded contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration, must comply with federal anti-discrimination regulations.  Thus, Executive Order 11246 Subpart B, sec. 202 states in relevant part:

The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. 

Last I looked, white employees ticked off two boxes in the protected classes above: race and color. more

13 Comments on A whistleblower emerges at a federal-funded nuclear weapons lab

  1. The same kind of mass insanity that has most of our largest corporations like Boeing Aircraft circling the toilet. Leaders in technical innovation and world class engineering are replaced by rabid social storm troopers.

  2. When America let’s in people from around the world to work here without vetting them, what do you expect? 🤔

    No more visas, green cards, H1 or whatever. We need to nip this crap in the bud.

    Recently some Chinese National out at Raytheon took his laptop from work, he was told not to, out of the country. Was arrested upon arrival back to America, but the damage had already been done. 🤬

    Hopefully this fellow will find justice, and we can get rid ourselves of another enemy within.

  3. Chris Rufo, editor of City Journal, through a FOIA request, laid bare the training materials of this so-called “diversity training” in “whiteness.” Here’s the link to what he had to share: https://www.city-journal.org/white-fragility-comes-to-washington

    I think at the time, just a few months ago, he could not get the City of Seattle to divulge the name(s) of the trainers or what the city was paying for this garbage. I did find a particular person, though, who has been getting very wealthy off this “white supremecy” schtick: Howard Ross. As the linked article states, Ross has no academic background in any of the materials he’s created or in his “critical theory” about “whiteness”, yet he’s apparently been banging this drum for a long time. So, keep an eye and an ear out for this guy, and take the advice of Rufo; call this junk social science out for what it is, garbage.

    Here’s a piece about Ross and Federal agencies he’s sold this crap to: https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/obscene-federal-diversity-training-scam-prospers-even-under-trump/

  4. How times change. There turned out to be plenty of communists and Soviet sympathizers among all those scientists working on the development of the Atomic Bomb during World War II. Too bad that the men managing the Manhattan Project didn’t think to have anti-communist training sessions. We’ve sure come a long way in the wrong direction.

  5. The small communications company I worked for was bought by a large electronics company out in Iowa that had a high percentage of “white male” in supervisors, managers, directors, and president/VP positions. Our small company was very diverse and the leadership roles fell roughly within Atlanta demographics. I was a team lead being groomed for a management position prior to the acquisition. That went out the window when Iowa Sr. management declared that all promotions into management would half to help their “diversity” percentage. My downfall was my initial job application where I filled out “white, male” instead of taking advantage of my native American heritage (1/16th Ute, last generation that can claim it and yes, I am registered with the Colorado Ute Nation).

    I watched a “barely meets standards” tech of color get promoted two levels up as my manager. I also watched the department’s production levels drop because of the lack of leadership in the management positions. I lasted 3 rounds of layoffs before I got axed. Less than 6 moths later the Iowa company sold off that office as it was loosing big money because of the unqualified minority management that was in place that was consistently making bad business decisions.

  6. They pulled the same bullshit back in the 90’s under the Clinton administration. Back then they made employees sit for 24 hours in a room allowing them with no breaks, requiring them to worship some luciferian false god like gaia if I recall correctly. The more things change . . .

  7. So!
    Sandia should fire all the white guys (and Indians and Chinks) and hire on a bunch of negro-guys!
    Problem solved!
    Especially in Management and Administrative positions. While I would never doubt the integrity of the Sandia Managers and Administrators, I should think that if they believed in the stuff they’re spewing, they’d be the first to resign – at least the white ones.

    Lead by example!

    izlamo delenda est …


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