Aaron Hernandez Was a Prison Pole Smoker – IOTW Report

Aaron Hernandez Was a Prison Pole Smoker

One of the suicide notes he left was to his prison “girlfriend.”

The theory is that he murdered Odin Lloyd so he wouldn’t be outed to his future bride.

I’m waiting for lefties on social media to say that Hernandez was forced to murder because of society’s lack of open-mindedness.

It’s clear that the left longs for the day when everyone is bisexual, no one is monogamous, and the Leave It To Beaver family unit is on the ash heap of history.

15 Comments on Aaron Hernandez Was a Prison Pole Smoker

  1. I’m convinced 8/10 beaners are sexual deviants of some sort. Whether they like to dress up as lady boys or fiddle with small kids, it’s a good chance it’s a beaner.

  2. @Old_Oaks, Really? You make a baseless and vile sweeping indictment against Latinos which begs the question-where do you hang out that you’re convinced that 8/10 “beaners” are sexual deviants. What a shit-head you are! Why jump to the race card? Why not just condemn this criminal for his actions instead of conflating his actions with his heritage. As supposed conservatives, we decry the use of the race card to falsely bolster arguments or to create a victimization culture, but we see no problem in using that card to make shit-head statements like Old-Oaks..racist ass! Yep, I actually used that word to define someone because you fit the bill shit-wad. All the “beaners” I know are Christian, God-fearing, patriotic Americans(like me) and 8/10 are military vets (like me). Ass-hats like you give this site and other conservatives a bad name so screw you very much!

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