Aaron Rodgers Calls MVP Voter a “Bum” Who Later Admits Making a “Mistake” – IOTW Report

Aaron Rodgers Calls MVP Voter a “Bum” Who Later Admits Making a “Mistake”


Packers QB Aaron Rodgers called a Chicago-area MVP voter who refused to vote for him because he’s unvaccinated an “absolute bum” during a Wednesday press conference.

On Tuesday, Hub Arkush, one of the 50 people the Associated Press allows to vote for the NFL’s Most Valuable Player Award, went on Chicago radio to say that he thinks Rodgers is a “bad guy” and one of the “biggest jerks in football.” More

Arkush gave a typical media apology, saying his mistake was sharing his thoughts on the MVP process in the first place. Here

Update: Justin Fields, the Chicago Bear’s QB has tested positive for covid, does that make him a “bad guy” and a “jerk” for not being available to play against the Vikings this Sunday, Hub? – Dr. Tar

21 Comments on Aaron Rodgers Calls MVP Voter a “Bum” Who Later Admits Making a “Mistake”

  1. At some time you have to judge a guy fairly who wears a shitty mullet is his late 30’s because he’s dating Danica Patrick. You also need to judge him fairly because he has the Packers on the precipice of winning another title for TITLE TOWN, and then you need to not be a faggot journalist.

  2. Vince Lombardi was a Democrat his whole life.
    His wife was a Republican.

    Danicunt was a short term athletic experience. The little shit has a seriously hard body. (Soft Head though)

    The Mullet is a Nod to all of us assholes who go to work every day, don’t bother anyone, and give NO FUCKS about Fashion, hair, or what anyone else is doing.

    Cheers Fuckers!

  3. Aaron Rodgers is currently dating Shailene Woodley.
    Kind of a hippie chick but did a good job in the movie The Descendants.
    A good film just ignore George Clooney’s politics outside of his acting.

    It high time Green Bay won another Superbowl.
    They are actually talking about moving the SB from draconian LA to Dallas this year due to covid bullshit.

    Fun fact: Dallas is where Rodgers won the SB over the Steelers.
    They had record cold and ice that week to welcome GB fans…DOH

  4. @Justin Dildeau,

    Shouldn’t you be polishing a Knob this late in the evening?
    Cleaning a Mushroom Tip?
    Blowing a Dome?
    Singing Into The Microphone?
    Biting a Pillow?
    Smoking a meat Pipe?
    Choking on Hog?
    Honking on BoBo?
    Breathing through your nostrils?

  5. the problem is this douche bag is voting for MVP not based on a person’s skills in winning football games for the present season. this douche nozzle is voting against people based on its social judgements.

    this is what happens when socialists control the narrative … they ruin all societal interactions with their preconceived prejudicial condemnations & judgements

    if someone cannot judge another on a specific skill category, interjecting personal prejudice on behavior that has nothing to do w/ the particular skill set, then that person should never be allowed to be considered for any group that sits in judgement of others …. ever!

    … goes for ever ‘judge’ in any ‘judicial system’ too

  6. @Kcir (embarrased to be from Toronto) January 6, 2022 at 10:56 pm

    > Now I’m dealing with a shortage of Arrows, Fletching, & Bowstrings. All USA made btw.

    Parallel economy. And completely deniable.

  7. Imma Justin

    Tradesmen are out of anything critical.
    EMT – conduit
    Combustion Motors
    Electronic controllers for HVAC etc.

    Getting ugly but it has not yet spread to Grocery Stores.

    Cheers, have a great day.

  8. I don’t watch football or give a fat rats ass about sports in general, I have a question. What do you football fans thinks of this, the city of the superbowl winner get to host the next superbowl. I know the nfl and whichever TV network won’t like it, but it gives the winners fans a chance to make some money. Doesn’t matter to me, I wasn’t planning on watching anyway.

  9. KCIR – you are my favorite CanoeHead. If you ran for Prime Minister I’d move up there just to vote for you.

    Please get your fellow CanoeHeads to get their shit together and stop the fascist Justin Castro gummint. Start voting in true conservatives. And shitcan that damn maple leaf flag and go back to the original Canadian flag.

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