Aaron Rodgers Speaks Out About Cancel Culture and Covid – IOTW Report

Aaron Rodgers Speaks Out About Cancel Culture and Covid

10 Comments on Aaron Rodgers Speaks Out About Cancel Culture and Covid

  1. I AM an antivax, flat earther! The more I read and hear about it, the greater my resistance. Who is Aaron Rodgers and why are these sycophants fondling his balsac?

  2. mickey moussaoui
    NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 7:11 AM
    “Natural immunity has been keeping humans alive since the dawn of time, plus it hasn’t killed anyone unlike the vax.”

    Actually, the immune system CAN run away and be injurious or lethal sometimes as any Lupus patient could tell you, but The Jab is set to make THAT more likely, too…

  3. The only thing infertile is Aaron Rogers cheese brain. Stupid has the coof, vax would do anything & is no longer a option. Maybe way too many hits on the field to think straight anymore.

  4. Please stay anonymous with dumb-ass comments like that.

    BT, You will hear plenty of Rodgers bashing but pure sympathy for Henry Ruggs III, the Raiders player who drove drunk 156 MPH in his Corvette Monday and crashed into a Rav4.
    It was sent flying, caught fire and a 23 yr old woman was burned alive, screaming to be freed. Of course the killer is black so…

    But do go on about Aaron, ASSHOLE!

  5. I’m not a big fan of either Aaron Rodgers or Kyrie Irving but they both have earned my respect for their stance on this issue.

    This vaccine thing has moved past being a health matter to one of liberty or tyranny. In the present climate, I wouldn’t get even if it was proven to be 100% safe and effective. I believe I still live in a free country although I seem to be increasingly surrounded by people that don’t mind living in a tyrannical one


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