Abbey Gate Three Years Later – IOTW Report

Abbey Gate Three Years Later

The Biden White House posted a statement on the official webpage on the 3rd year anniversary of 13 service members killed during the botched evacuation of Afghanistan. Here

White House spokesman, John Kirby, defended the Afghanistan withdrawal on CNN like it was some great feat of military genius. Watch

The US military removed photos of the ramp ceremony of the returning coffins of the deceased service members. Here

While gold star family members accuse the current administration of trying to forget the whole thing ever happened. Here


President Trump attended a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington. Here

And later vowed to fire every “official” responsible for the fiasco on day one of his new administration. Here

9 Comments on Abbey Gate Three Years Later

  1. Hope he works up a Number 6 on ’em…. where he goes a-ridin’ into DC, a-whompin’ and a-whumpin’ every livin’ Communist and Fellow traveller that moves within an inch of its life.

  2. I watched News Max coverage of John Kirby talking out his ass trying to justify Kami and Captain brain dead totally ignoring the 13 dead. That they killed. It went something like this. “There’s no way we could make up the loss that these families have suffered. So why even try.” They can justify anything. It’s unbelievable.

  3. I can understand the stupidity from the political leadership on the left, but seeing the Military trying to memory hole the funerals was too much.

    A good old fashion purge of the generalship of this nation is long overdue.

  4. Evacuation???
    A full RETREAT and SURRENDER FAILING to follow Military withdrawal procedures, abandoning 100s of $MILLIONs of Military equipment, arms and ammunition, abandoning US Citizens, Failing to properly man the outpost leading to the death of 13 Military personnel, thousands of unvetted Afghanistan Muslim refugees brought to the US.
    Biden/Harris are at best Incompetent Political Hacks and a danger to out Nation.

  5. “A good old fashion purge of the generalship of this nation is long overdue.“

    True. Although most of them will slide sideways into the boardrooms of the “I” in MIC. That’s the shit which has to be canned. Hopefully, there are far too few chairs when PDT stops the music.

  6. There were a couple Marine Snipers that came forward and said they had the bad guys in their cross hairs but were never given permission to fire. Remember those guys? I wonder if they’re still alive. More treasonous shit.


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