Abby Johnson confronts the pro-abortion arguments at hearing – IOTW Report

Abby Johnson confronts the pro-abortion arguments at hearing

Hot Salsa, our tipster, would like to remind everyone that God provides forgiveness and healing for those who have had an abortion or a loved one who did.

21 Comments on Abby Johnson confronts the pro-abortion arguments at hearing

  1. The older I get, the more I believe that abortion was not inspired by Satan, simply because it didn’t need to be. The Bible says that every conceivable sin, including this one (murder), finds its roots in the human heart.

    So chew on this for awhile: it’s not impossible that while devils might approve of abortion, it’s so utterly depraved and wicked that, by the mere fact we came up with it on our own, WE scare THEM.

  2. A powerful speech. She must have shut up that idiot that bragged about how many employees she had yet said she couldn’t support a child. The utter stupidity of that claim went past her.

  3. She is such a God-sent blessing. Articulate, concise and scientific. Such logic will fly miles above the heads of most on the left. But, thank God, some will listen and actually hear her.

    God bless her and all who work to end this vile death cult.

  4. The second beotch issues “a lotta 1099’s.” Well, lah-tee-fricken-dah. What do you want, a medal? Insert your head in a toilet and flush it.

    That’s the way most abortion advocates strike me. They’re nasty. But not as nasty as I am when angry. Get off my planet.

  5. A magnificent presentation and kudos to Abby for holding it together during such a horrible subject. The one who bragged about abortion was angry and bitter. What a vile excuse for a human being.

  6. …I’ve held babies.

    As a parent.

    As a medic.

    In life.

    In death.

    …even with the mental compartmentalization that most people involved in the more tragic aspects of medicine as a self-defense against being overwhelmed to the point of not being able to function firmly in place, I could NEVER think that it was acceptable to do LESS than the utmost to preserve that precious life, even if the odds were OVERWHELMINGLY against it.

    I have seen the same intensity in the doctors, nurses, aides, and assistants at every incident. People who, by sheer familiarity, should be MORE hardened than I to the likely loss of a severely injured or deathly sick infant, somehow were NOT.

    We all would fight Satan to the last for that scrap of humanity, and that was because that’s what it WAS.


    That baby was a gift of God, given that Man could continue as his heirs even though all men must exit this life soon or late. That child is God’s letter to HIS children, giving US the opportunity to feel the love for that life that HE feels for US, that chance to guide a child as HE guides US, and the blessing of another soul for OUR world, with all the potential that God gives ALL his children.

    And THAT is why we do it. The reason we’ll crawl over broken glass and twisted metal to reach an impaled child we don’t even know. Why we accept having someone else’s baby with meningitis vomit in our mouth when there is no small enough bag valve mask to impart the vital breath of life mechanically, spit the vomit out, and go back to work. The reason why a doctor will strive to keep the bleeding from organs extruded from the anus of an accident victim under control long enough to have some chance at surgery, even though experience has taught him the prognosis is poor. The reason why nurses with decades of neonate experience will still try to comfort a child who was not formed well enough to survive as he breathes his last.

    That baby is of God.

    That baby is US.

    Only God can properly punish a person who would harm such a one.

    But that doesn’t mean the Justice system shouldn’t speed them on their way to that FINAL judgement…

  7. Grool, for what it’s worth the Book of Jasher (one of the lost books of the Old Testament that is cited by name in (Joshua 9 & 2 Sam 1) and has since been discovered states that one of the great sins that invoked the flood was the practice of abortion. The reason given were the men did not want their women to loose their beauty due to bearing children.

    Oddly enough and if memory serves my correctly the Book of Jasher makes it clear the same practice regarding abortion was going on at Sodom & Gomorrah. To be clear, as in the time preceding the flood, there was more wickedness going on than just abortion but it is worth noting that were there is destruction from on high abortion can be found at ground zero.

    I’m not claiming to be a scholar nor am I looking to cause a fight; just a friendly FYI and to say I think you are on to something with regards as to who inspired it.

  8. Haven’t gotten to her part yet, but I had to comment on the woman in the beginning before I forget her. She creates a lot of jobs, but can’t financially rear a child, one ignorant statement of hers. The other, which is false and if she had looked at an ultrasound she would know that the baby had a heartbeat, he/she had a face and he/she wasn’t a clump of cells.

    God forgives, but God doesn’t forgive those who can’t even admit they murdered a child, that person is not going to ask for forgiveness or repent.

  9. Oh noes the LGBTQ is going to be mad, she said men can’t have babies.

    These people who put these babies back together, how the hell you could do that even once?

    The end to ACLU was pretty damn funny.

  10. Pelopidas, I do thank you for pointing that out and I will look into it, it’s very intriguing.

    Something else is that a lot of people use God’s present silence as evidence that He doesn’t exist…if God were real and as holy as the Bible says He is, would he not have obliterated us over abortion, if for no other reason?

    Answer: someday He will, but for now all are under grace (the deliberate withholding of His wrath so they can repent).

    In short, God’s silence in no way suggests He isn’t watching and it’s extremely dangerous when people think so.

    Thank you again for the comment, I’ll look it up!

  11. Enoch mentions the Watchers (fallen angels) instructed men in abortion. Also taught metal forgery and make up.

    She was incredible and…the bill passed!!!

  12. These ghouls call the murdered babies ‘Products of Conception’ which they shorten to ‘POC’, which also stands for People of Color. Margaret Sanger would be so pleased.

  13. it’s almost impossible to find an article that describes what ms johnson actually experienced….

    after years of running an abortion center, she was needed to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion…

    she watched as the tiny baby pushed the instrument away….she watched as the baby tried to escape from the instrument…..she watched as the baby got eaten alive by the instrument…..

    a baby in the womb understands it needs to try to defend itself…..

    grown adults don’t understand that, of course…..they’ve been to school…..


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