ABC’s World News Tonight Promotes Trump Ally’s Threat to Anti-Trump RNC Delegates – IOTW Report

ABC’s World News Tonight Promotes Trump Ally’s Threat to Anti-Trump RNC Delegates

Newsbusters: Instead of focusing on the latest developments in Wisconsin concerning the Republican presidential primary,

roger stone threats to delegates

ABC’sWorld News Tonight used 25 seconds to eagerly promote Donald Trump supporter/former adviser Roger Stone’s threat to expose the hotel room numbers and locations of delegates to the Republican National Convention that won’t be supporting the billionaire candidate.

The lead story from anchor David Muir and Republican campaign correspondent Tom Llamas lasted for three minutes and 43 seconds, but that portion of time dithering away on Stone’s direct threat occurred one day after Llamas wasted 55 seconds reminding viewers of the unsubstantiated rumors about Cruz’s marriage being perpetuated by the National Enquirer.  MORE

14 Comments on ABC’s World News Tonight Promotes Trump Ally’s Threat to Anti-Trump RNC Delegates

  1. Sleazy, Slimy Sloan at it again. Rumors, lies, deceit, deception, false allegations, intimidation….they are all in stone’s repertoire of dirty tricks.
    Being a representative of the guy that hired him.

    If you don’t have good news, manufacture a controversy and become the news….. Scum Bag.

  2. ahh the old msm.
    narrators for the ongoing nwo story.

    it’s only a fairytale until you believe it.

    we have been through most of the primaries and not one news story on the clinton corruption and faults but plenty on the cruz / trump fight and all their supposed faults, misogyny, infidelity, incompetence.

    and it works.
    just read all the comments from the cruz / trump supporters on this blog alone. divided. just like the nwo planned.
    dancing to the tune called by the msm fiddlers.

  3. Ok I’ll take the bait.

    Gee, @Czar attack the messenger much?

    Research? It’s all over yesterday’s Headline news, manufactured & created by Stone to divert attention away from trumps anticipated showing in Wisconsin. Trump did carry Paul Ryan’s Congressional District.
    Maybe the establishment GOPe is backing trump after his meeting with GOP leadership? I mean trump is a master negotiator and deal maker afterall.

    So you’re a closet Kasich guy? I would have never considered that of you.

    You’ll be back to crowing after Pa. and NY., Kasich will be broken hearted about your defection.

  4. How silly. The implication is Trumps voters/backers are violent and this should be scary. Stone is a nut case, and Trump was right to dump his months ago. I’m beginning to think Stone is out to get back at Trump.

  5. TO cato
    You missed my invisible “/s”. 😉


    From Tina Trent over at American Thinker

    “And now, can we talk about Cruz’ superPAC donors, the open borders libertarian billionaires hiding behind the election rules they sued into law to ensure their anonymity in this election?

    I don’t understand why any Cruz supporter would have so little self-respect as to unquestioningly accept their candidate concealing his real donors and their position on immigration from them. Cruz supporters keep telling me (if they’ll talk at all) they don’t care that they don’t know what the Wilks want to do with the border, or the Kochs — they tell me the rules say they don’t need to know who is funding Cruz, so they won’t ask.

    It’s astonishing, this terrified, willful ignorance.

    Cruz is Rubio II, paid for by exactly the same billionaire donors who tricked the grassroots with Rubio I. And you know what they say about being fooled twice.”

  6. @Aggie – Stone is a Trump loyalist and their friendship goes back over 30 years, kissing and making up multiple times. Not buying the “Stone is a lone wolf nut case” meme. Him no longer working for the campaign only frees him up to be as nasty as he wants to be, while Trump can sit back and say “he doesn’t work for me.” Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.

  7. Trump is good at distancing himself from people as cover when it suits him.
    That is what he does with his superpacs, meets them in private while publically ‘asking’ them, wink wink, to not help him.
    Oh, and don’t bring up the fact that Trump’s closest advisor gave over a hundred thou to democrats recently and is a serious open border guy.
    Trump can overlook the positions of his supporters and advisors, unlike Cruz.

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