Abedin Forwarded State Passwords To Yahoo Before It Was Hacked By Foreign Agents – IOTW Report

Abedin Forwarded State Passwords To Yahoo Before It Was Hacked By Foreign Agents

Liberal women are soooo intelligent and trustworthy! Ask any of them. They’ll tell you.

Daily Caller: Huma Abedin forwarded sensitive State Department emails, including passwords to government systems, to her personal Yahoo email account before every single Yahoo account was hacked, a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of emails released as part of a lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch shows.

Abedin, the top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, used her insecure personal email provider to conduct sensitive work. This guarantees that an account with high-level correspondence in Clinton’s State Department was impacted by one or more of a series of breaches — at least one of which was perpetrated by a “state-sponsored actor.”

The U.S. later charged Russian intelligence agent Igor Sushchin with hacking 500 million Yahoo email accounts. The initial hack occurred in 2014 and allowed his associates to access accounts into 2015 and 2016 by using forged cookies. Sushchin also worked for the Russian investment bank Renaissance Capital, that paid former President Bill Clinton $500,000 for a June 2010 speech in Moscow.

A separate hack in 2013 compromised three billion accounts across multiple Yahoo properties, and the culprit is still unclear. “All Yahoo user accounts were affected by the August 2013 theft,” the company said in a statement.

Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, regularly forwarded work emails to her personal humamabedin@yahoo.com address. “She would use these accounts if her (State) account was down or if she needed to print an email or document. Abedin further explained that it was difficult to print from the DoS system so she routinely forwarded emails to her non-DoS accounts so she could more easily print,” an FBI report says.

Abedin sent passwords for her government laptop to her Yahoo account on Aug. 24, 2009, an email released by the State Department in September 2017 shows.  read more

14 Comments on Abedin Forwarded State Passwords To Yahoo Before It Was Hacked By Foreign Agents

  1. None of this – none – can be attributed any longer to innocent ignorance or mere incompetence. These people were engaged in a complex, sophisticated, multilayered espionage operation.

  2. She knew she could do this because she was enabled and protected from the top. Ever since the topic of Hillary’s private Email server came to light I have always thought it was an espionage operation set up under the wink, wink, nod, nod guise of “Oh, I didn’t know” or “It was just an innocent mistake” and of course the old “I don’t recall” knowing that prosecution never goes that high… especially when yer gonna be the President!
    Yes, I think I see something bigger than the Rosenbergs looming on the horizon…

  3. It’s not that hard to figure out. Mrs. Danger was above the law. She was working for a lawless lady. She observed years of lawlessness. Huma Danger knew that she was protected by the Obama Administration’s attitude, and that President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton would never let her take the fall. What were the chances that a President Jeb Bush would every bother his big brother’s adopted brother’s wife? Mrs. Danger was bulletproof. And then along came Donald J. Trump to knock over her protected status. Isn’t it great?

  4. Ratfink, you know damned well that the left will make this a cause celebre just like they did with the Rosenberg’s, only worse. The Rosenberg’s were proven traitors and deserved to be executed. Hellary, John Kerry, barry etc. and many of their minions are also traitors but proving it will take an act of God. I pray that it is so because their crimes and treason stink to high heaven. I don’t know what the tipping point will be but it’s going to be rather dramatic and spectacular when they do fall. And I keep praying also that I won’t gloat too much when it does happen, but they all deserve it in spades.

  5. Hey kids, it’s gotten pretty easy to pick a side and know what it stands for.
    Choose your friends well!

    Bubba doesn’t appear such a lovable old perv now, does he?
    And ain’t Hillary such a fabulous female role model?!

  6. The secret illegal server was ALWAYS an espionage setup. SoS Hilary was not “just” selling influence and accepting $150Mil bribes for transactions like Uranium One. She was selling top secret info to hostiles.

    Bill and Hill deserve the same fate as Julius and Ethel. Let’s hope we see them take the fall.

  7. As damaging as these are I can’t help but wonder whether State is still holding back emails that are worse. They screwed around so long then finally dropped bunch of them I figure a few people went through them to figure out the damage and perhaps removed them from the pile. I’m not sure that you can link her email activity directly to the hacks on Yahoo (trying to prove that she used her yahoo account knowing that the information she held there was going to be stolen by the russians would likely be impossible as well as improbable) but it’s more likely she exhibited a complete disregard for security assuming her position and proximity to Hillary put her above such petty things. Arrest, no bail, frozen assets and a conversation about a deal is hopefully, in her future. Along with jail time sharing a cell with a butch dyke who happens to have a taste for the exotic.

  8. @Mr. Fink, au contraire, President Trump has thrown a fetid, putrid pig carcass into the only potable water on the Dim plantation.
    All the water-carriers now won’t get paid.
    Kool-Aid is in short supply.

  9. “She would use these accounts if her (State) account was down or if she needed to print an email or document. Abedin further explained that it was difficult to print from the DoS system so she routinely forwarded emails to her non-DoS accounts so she could more easily print,”

    This is such bullshit.

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