Abigail Adams Recommended LongForm Video- Eric Metaxas interviews Father Joseph Fessio – IOTW Report

Abigail Adams Recommended LongForm Video- Eric Metaxas interviews Father Joseph Fessio

YT – Father Joseph Fessio, founder and editor of Ignatius Press (and student under Pope Benedict XVI), discusses some of Eric’s favorite titles from the publishing house.

AA writes- [Father Fessio] was talking about either a book he wrote or that someone else recently wrote about extremist muslims and where they are — which phase — with jihad in America. Interestingly, he was emphatic about ALL Somali’s being here for one thing — to kill Americans.

8 Comments on Abigail Adams Recommended LongForm Video- Eric Metaxas interviews Father Joseph Fessio

  1. Nosce Te Ipsum. A hard proposition as Ben Franklin taught me, the best I have is I am a sinner seeking. I am stymied by the dismissal of possible works of GOD by the Christian who “knows”…How does one know what he does not know? Negativity by nattering does what? Spread the Gospel but only speak if you must…My favorite lifelong Baptist converted me to Catholicism for which I am eternally grateful. How can a Christian sit in judgment of another believer? IF one truly believes is it not pride of the most egregious sort to claim to know another person’s conscience- the inner most working of the soul? AND suppose that in such self aggrandizement the subject of judgment for being “wrong” will receive such in any way to further the work of Christ? Does a Christian who deigns to judge another Christian understand scripture? Shouldn’t we know them by their fruit?
    Ignatius has a vineyard in my house, it’s amazing that I never noticed! The fruit has been so very nourishing and the scent of the blossoms is amazing! Thank you Abigail Adams so much for the link, and the food for thought!

  2. The word of God says zip about mystical salvation via magic golden fish.

    The word of God DOES say very simply that Christ died for all of our sins and rose again for our complete justification from all judicial condemnation. That means any sinner who simply believes it believes what God has said and is saved and safe in Christ forever.

    Anyone who believes anything else has believed a false gospel that cannot save them. They will drop right into Hell and take their self-righteous devoutness with them.

  3. Grool, I understand your point, but you are bearing false witness against Eric Metaxas. He never says that a “golden fish saved him.” What he does say is that his dream led him to seek Jesus and by that, finally understand what his life was all about. Those are two vastly different things.

    In the past 5-10 years it has been reported that a significant number of muslims, including imams, have also had dreams about Jesus, resulting in their own conversion to Christianity. Considering how dangerous it is in many locals for muslims to do this, I imagine their dreams (some say “visions”) are most compelling.

    But this video wasn’t about Metaxas’ salvation and this thread has been hijacked by false info. Info that you posted to the last Metaxas post, as well. Please stop spreading bad info about him.

  4. Grool: I wanted to also mention another wonderful man who sought after Jesus and was pushed over the edge by a dream. Nabeel Qureshi, as young as he was, went on to become one of the most powerful Christian apologists of this century, working alongside Ravi Zackarias. He was a convert from islam and he risked absolute estrangement from his very devout, very close-knit muslim family over it. Like Metaxas, he never said that a dream “saved him.” Each of these young men have made their life’s work spreading the truth of Jesus Christ — not being a stumbling block to seekers of Him.

    Here’s some info about Nabeel. I’m very sad that he died so young.


    Please explore the truth about these men instead of making such terrible accusations.


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