Abject Moron Tries To Make a Point About Illegal Immigration – Fails Horrendously – IOTW Report

Abject Moron Tries To Make a Point About Illegal Immigration – Fails Horrendously

See this dope on a stool? He rented empty space along a St. Patrick’s Day Parade and created a fake pub called the No Irish Pub and yelled Irish epithets at parade goers. If anyone Irish wanted to go into the pub he refused entrance.

This was supposed to teach people about how “immigrants” are treated in America.

The dipchit doesn’t seem to know the difference between legal and illegal immigration.

And as Downtrend said, if he wanted to teach people the truth, the people denied entry would sneak into the pub and have their drinks subsidized by the other patrons. If the owner tried to throw them out, progressives would whine that it was unfair and it was the only pub these dreamers ever knew!



15 Comments on Abject Moron Tries To Make a Point About Illegal Immigration – Fails Horrendously

  1. He’s a glaring example of the kind of thick headed morons rational people have to contend with these days. They’re out there in the hundreds of thousands and they vote.

  2. Must’ve set up his fake bar in the safe zone in town. A true Irishman would’ve turned his “amateur social scientist” ass into haggis.

  3. Well, he’s getting air time on the interwebz.
    There are probably some melting l’il snowflakes out there crying a river.

    I’d give him some credit if he called it the “No Ni@@er Bar” and yelled epithets at the “Africans” who wandered by.
    Or even the “No musselmen Bar” and yelled anti-izlam epithets.

    But alas, a wimp is a wimp is a wimp.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. A popular song of the 1850’s was “No Irish Need Apply”. Irish were lower on the social ladder than freed slaves. In truth, Irish were very backward by standards of the day (where do you think “Paddy” wagon came from?) but there was no welfare so it was sink or swim.

    They assimilated, worked hard, made sure their kids got an education and within a generation were the policemen and mayors of their towns.

    There’s a lesson here.


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