Abortion Advocates Not Taking The New Law In Texas Well – IOTW Report

Abortion Advocates Not Taking The New Law In Texas Well

Red State

The righteous feminists are out, ya’ll, and they are outraged over the U.S. Supreme Court’s failure to stay the Texas heartbeat law. More

14 Comments on Abortion Advocates Not Taking The New Law In Texas Well

  1. What amazes me is these goons think their choice is being taken away from them.

    No one is taking away their choice. The argument is over the innocent baby, not your choice to have or not to have wild meaningless unprotected sex with consequence. Besides most of them a man wouldn’t touch in the first place, what do they slip and fall into pools of semen regularly?

  2. It’s not about the presumed right to murder a child, it’s the money they make off of spare parts.
    IT’S ALWAYS ABOUT GREED. The rest is bullshit trying to make a horrible act less unpalatable.

  3. The effect of abortion restrictions in some states will be abortion “vacations” to other states. Sadly, the “my body, my choice” crowd may have to bring along their vaccination passports to travel.

    – Narf


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