Abortion – How Could You Do This For a Living? – IOTW Report

Abortion – How Could You Do This For a Living?


This video starts at the end. It’s where this doctor puts it so succinctly. What does it matter how big the human is that you kill?

You can rewind and watch the rest, but what else is needed?

HT/ Reddecaesari

31 Comments on Abortion – How Could You Do This For a Living?

  1. The slaughter of innocent children is evil.
    There is no other word for it. Evil.
    We look upon Germany with disdain for it’s legal extermination campaign, and help them hunt down those involved for punishment even though we have no moral authority to do so.

  2. This is one of the many reasons I will not vote for Trump. He has said he will fund PP and talks about the great work they do as much as he contradicts himself with opposite statements. (Like he said, “I can change when I need to.”)

    The second is “I like the mandate.” My daughter needs a major surgery this summer. Thank God we still have private insurance. I didn’t make umpteen trips to DC to fight against Obamacare to turn around and vote for any kind of mandate. Donald can shove it.

  3. Once you’ve dehumanized your opponent (a lump of tissue) killing the defenseless is easy. Or, they may look at it as a sacrifice to Baal or Moloch … I don’t really know.

    One thing that I DO KNOW is that infanticide is an affront to God – both those who perform the deed and those who finance it.

  4. Bitterclinger,

    Trump already explained that he was talking about the mandate where insurance companies could not deny people with pre-existing conditions.

    Go back and look at the tape, it’s the question Anderson Cooper asked and Trump was rushing and talking on top of Cooper to get to a different point.

    You can choose not to believe it, that’s fine.

    Quick question.
    Cruz has said he will repeal Obamacare. What’s it being replaced with?

    Regarding abortion Trump said it’s an abomination. He came out as pro-life at CPAC in 2012.
    He is under the false impression that PP functions as a women’s health clinic.
    Many people think this.

    I don’t think Trump is going to fight to fund PP once he sees it’s nothing but an abortion mill.

    But, you can choose not to believe that, that is fine.
    A vote for Cruz is a great vote.
    A vote for Rubio is an adequate vote.

    We’re in good shape this election cycle.

  5. No, I couldn’t do this for a living. I’d rather be a maternity nurse, a nanny, a preschool teacher—or a petition clerk in New York Family Court, where the highest standarof jurisprudence is whatever is in the best interest of THE CHILDREN, not their loserino parents.

  6. BFH; Why should the nationalization of health care be replaced with anything from the federal government once abolished?
    Government created the problem, and it shows no capability to do other than make it worse.
    The feds should back out and let the states experiment with solutions.

  7. I believe Cruz did more than make promises and actually filed a proposed bill early last year, March 2015 to be exact;


    It lays out the repeal of the core of Obamacare and also creates a framework by which insurance could be sold across State lines creating a national market allowing the individual to buy the insurance they want from whoever they choose versus government dictating the terms and conditions of what you must buy.

    So there is Cruz’s answer, and Trump’s ??????

  8. And Bad_Brad, the Trump follower announces his presence with such vim and vigor and few actual points or facts.

    Trump is all glorious for doing nothing on the subject, but maybe making a comment or two. Cruz files a bill last year, obtains sponsors for his bill, and works to get the Republican establishment to at least consider bringing it up for debate. It’s call fighting and at least he does more than run his mouth like Trump.

    I seem to remember someone posting here, “action not words”. So far we have a lot of talk from Trump about what he’s gonna do if elected, but all his earlier actions were completely and totally opposite what he now promises. He funded the Democrats and helped bring them to power and thus give us Obamacare, but hey now he says Obamacare is terrible and should be repealed. Too bad he didn’t have smarts enough to think it through when he was backing the Democrats.

    If you consider Trumps history and the “actions” he has taken then you shouldn’t believe a word he says now because his history shows those words to be false.

    But hey I guess for some, they need a savior and “God blessed us with Trump”, right ????

  9. Hey Wood Boy. I’ve got a little secret for you. Trumps held no office. That’s why he’s filed no bills. I got another secret for you. Trumps worth a bazillion dollars because he knows how to win. Cruz has got nothing past because he’s a disagreeable asshole. You know, a loser. I’ll vote for the winner, and you can vote for the loser. Proposed Bill, damn I’m still laughing. I can’t believe you fell for that shit. I’ve got a bridge for sale, come see me.

  10. Bradley,

    You make very funny and contradictory points. Two men offer the same words only one of them has actually taken some action to effect those words to have some meaning. The other uses the excuse that he has held no office and so cannot do anything. Previously, though, while holding no office this man contributed and help bring about the election of people who created the mess that he is now flapping his gums against.

    But you and your blind sanctimonious following of this man would have us believe that somehow his new words against this mess carry more weight than the man who actually worked to get elected and then to begin combat with those who would not allow his bill to clean up this mess to even be considered.

    I realize you are so blinded by Trump that none of this makes sense, but hey at least it might help others not as far gone as you in their blind devotion to Trump.

    By the way, having no past how exactly can you know that Trump will even do any of what he says? And the fact that Trump’s actions have all run counter to what he is promising you now, exactly how can you know for sure he won’t again change his mind once elected?

    I think you have already bought the bridge and the whole damn swamp.

    Just keep repeating your religious mantra “God blessed us with Trump” and then click your heels together and it will all be alright……… Trump promises…….

  11. OK Woody, that’s about 11 pounds of shit in a ten pound shit bag so let’s focus on the glaring bull shit. “Only one man has taken action”.

    Name it. What action? Only results count. What action?

  12. It’s been a while Woody? WTF, Exactly WHAT has Cruz accomplished? What legislation has he written that’s been passed? What has super preacher done, said, accomplished that should make me think more of him than a proven warrior? Name it.

  13. Really, results are all that count when you are one man and have to work within the framework of the Constitution. I await Trump’s magnificence when it comes to his Dictatorial Decrees since only results matter.

    Cruz brought the issue to bear and made the idiots like Mitchie McConnell to have to face their promises after the 2012 election. Of course he was doing that when Trump was doing oh so much of nothing.

    Just curious, but if results matter than the only result Trump has is his financial support of Democrats that allowed them to have power in order to pass Obamacare in the first place. Just curious, but if results matter than where is the punishment for that result?

    Either results matter or they don’t. The best you can do about Cruz is suggest that because he didn’t single-handedly repeal Obamacare and “ONLY” filed a bill that he somehow did nothing. But if that is the case then examining Trump’s actions seem to show he got results, just not the results you and he now support, so why are you backing him if “results matter”????

    Seems results only matter if you can use that criteria to bash another candidate, but they don’t matter when examining Trump.

    Again, this will all be better once you simply repeat your doxology “God blessed us with Trump”…….

  14. Woody, your funny. So you got nothing right. You know why? Preacher boy lacks judgement. If he had it, he still couldn’t formulate a plan. He’s just another ambulance chaser. Good night. You lose, again. But keep sticking with your boy. And keep making dumb ass excuses. Think about it tonight and give me one accomplishment your boy has achieved tomorrow. Puberty doesn’t count.

  15. Proven Warrior ??? You really have jumped the shark !!

    In case you missed the class about how the party establishment has been running the Senate, one man cannot get anything passed as long as it runs counter in the least to what the leadership wants. He can file bills, he can garner sponsors, he can do anything except bring it up for votes and in some cases even get his bill out of committee. Now Cruz could sit back like Rubio and either do nothing or side with Democrats. He choose to fight and to do what he promised during his election. I can respect that.

    As for Trump, how does he come by the title “proven Warrior”???

    Exactly what has he done other than manipulate government officials for his own financial gain? Maybe it’s his womanizing that you respect? Yeah that’s the ticket. Or maybe it’s how every single enterprise he has started has eventually gone out of business or filed for Chapter 11. Yeah, it’s hard work putting out crappy steaks with you name on them and then closing it down when no one buys them.

    About Trumps only claim to fame is his ability to get attention and act on his reality TV shows. Beyond that he’s only held onto wealth through chapter 11 and his ability to get his money out before the enterprise goes belly up. Not much of an accomplishment and I am sure even you could do as well if given $40 million to start.

    But remember “God blessed us with Trump”…….

  16. And as the sunsets in the west, Bradley rides off believing he has won some great battle for his savior The Trump as he sings the last stanza of his doxology “and God blessed us with Trump”…….

  17. One man can’t get anything passed, if his name is Cruz. Trump knows how to manage this, Cruz has no idea. Thanks for making my point again. Dude, how many potatoes do you yield an acre anyway?

  18. “s in the west, Bradley rides off believing he has won”

    Nice, you’ve got no answers and you pull this weak bull shit. You sir are an ass. An ignorant ass. Don’t come here anymore with your weak shit. You are a liberal at heart. You just haven’t figured it out yet.

  19. Actually Boom’s post of Cruz’s resume is very timely here and being someone deeply in IT I can tell you that a Bot wouldn’t be able to get under certain skins here so easily.

    As for Bradley’s constant harping about Cruz and TPP, please go read about it before trying to sound like you know what you are talking about here.

    Cruz supported TPA (Fast Track) and after I had done some research he had a very good reason to do so as opposed to Rand Paul and his position concerning Senate debate that supposedly is lost if TPA were passed. But I will just let Cruz’s own words say the reason (quote);

    Cruz argued that he had been the staunchest opponent of President Barack Obama in Congress. He then separated TPA (Trade Promotion Authority) and the TPP (the Trans-Pacific Partnership). He touched on TPA first, stating that “history has demonstrated, the only way to get a trade agreement adopted is with fast-track. Since FDR, consistently, for 80 years, presidents in both parties have had fast-track. Anytime fast-track has lapsed, trade agreements don’t get negotiated.” He later added that it was a “misunderstanding” to say TPA gave away the Senate’s treaty power. Cruz stated that “Under the Constitution, there are two ways to make binding law. Number one, you can pass a treaty ratified by 2/3ds of the Senate. Or number two, you can pass legislation passed by a majority of both of houses of Congress and signed by the president. … TPA uses the second constitutional path.” And “it’s been long recognized that the Constitution’s Origination Clause applies to trade bills, which means the House of Representatives has to be involved. There’s a reason why trade bills have historically not been done as treaties, because the Constitution says that anything concerning the raising of revenues, and trade bills concern tariffs, which are the raising of revenues, has to originate in the House of Representatives. So, the process of approving a trade agreement through both houses of Congress has been the way it has been done for roughly a century. And it is not giving the president more authority.”
    {end quote}
    Source: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/06/12/cruz-tpa-doesnt-give-obama-more-power-sessions-on-not-accurate-on-tpp/

    So if TPA is not passed then Obama sends it through as a Treaty requiring ONLY the Senates involvement, but if it is passed then both the House and Senate are involved because it becomes legislation.

    Cruz voted AGAINST TPP (The actual Trade Bill) when it came to a vote, so what Bradley is harping about is a complete and total NON-ISSUE and pretty much a LIE. So much for that “point”.

    But it is what can be expected from a follower of Trump who’s own doxology supporting Trump was to say “God blessed us with Trump”.

  20. It lays out the repeal of the core of Obamacare and also creates a framework by which insurance could be sold across State lines creating a national market allowing the individual to buy the insurance they want from whoever they choose versus government dictating the terms and conditions of what you must buy.

    So there is Cruz’s answer, and Trump’s ??????>>>
    So, in other words Cruz’s plan is EXACTLY Trump’s plan.

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