Abortion isn’t murder? – IOTW Report

Abortion isn’t murder?

What do you call killing a baby that has already been born?

86 Comments on Abortion isn’t murder?

  1. If you kill a pregnant woman you are charged with two murders. But this ass hat thinks it’s find to make newborns comfortable, and then kill them. The Libtards are creating a LOT more Right To Lifers. I’m one.

  2. If the mother wants to abort/kill her just born baby then the doctor should leave the room and leave nothing in the room but her and the baby then tell her to kill it herself. Using only her bare hands. So she can feel it move in her hands and cry in her hands. Then if she can go thru with it then hopefully she will have nightmares the rest of her miserable life!!!

  3. @FarmWife – I like that idea. Or, leave the infanticidal mother alone with her baby and a handgun loaded with one…no, two rounds. She may need the second one after she sees what she’s done with the first.

    edit: Yes, I’m in a seriously bloody-minded mood this evening.

  4. Sincerely not pushing a film, however if this meaningful thread has caught your attention please inform yourselves about Dr. Kermit Gosnell.
    More attention is paid to the ASPCA to animals than it is to Humans.

  5. BB- part of the ny abortion law includes the new ruling that a fetus is no longer a human being, and that causing the death of a pregnant mother is no longer a double murder. They don’t publicize that part. Coming to a state near you, probably.
    They’re ghouls.
    Almost everything gosnel was convicted of is now legal in ny.

  6. Hanging is to good for these people.
    I recommend treating them like they would those babies.
    Stuff them into a car trunk and use an industrial vacuum to suck them out in pieces.
    Or take them out, and make them comfortable. And discuss their fate right next to them.
    Then decide, and if the decision goes against them, snip their spinal cord at the nape of the neck with some industrial shears.

  7. Almost everything Gosnel was convicted of is now legal in NY. Part of the NY abortion law includes the new ruling that a fetus is no longer a human being. Removed from the surrogate, breathing and crying audibly, having their spinal cord severed is late term abortion as Gosnell was convicted of is Murder.
    Explains how a Clinton got elected there,,

  8. Barry “Obama” already did this, one of the few ACTUAL things he was resposible for as an Illinois State senator…

    “In this type of abortion, she says, the abortionist inserts a medication into the birth canal of the mother and induces premature labor.

    “My experience was that they [the babies] survive as short as a few minutes, to once, almost as long as an eight hour shift.

    “To be clear these were living babies who were left out to die. And they were issued both birth and death certificates according to Illinois state law.”

    Stanek relates the story of how one night she saw a nurse bringing a baby to the soiled utility room to die, because the parents of the child did not want to hold it. The other nurse also did not have the time to hold the child. “When she told me what she was doing I couldn’t bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone,” says Stanek. “And so I cradled and rocked him for the forty-five minutes that he lived.”

    Stanek recounts how, besides testifying before the federal House, she also testified before an Illinois State Senate Committee, a Committee on which Barack Obama sat.

    “Barack Obama,” she says, “was unmoved, and actually opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.”


    …as the Preacher in Ecleseastes said, there is nothing new under the sun, just Democrats doing what Democrats do…

  9. Well, I was going to save this for a bit for further work, and it may be a bit convoluted, but this is what I’m working on-

    Do you remember the ‘wet foot / dry foot’ rule during the influx of Cuban refugees? That was a rule, not a law, that let someone who was illegally entering the country to stay, provided they had one foot ‘on dry land.’
    What we are seeing with the new abortion laws being passed and enacted is similar to that. It is now legal, in some jurisdictions, to kill a late term baby, up to the time of ‘birth,’ and at the discretion of the mother. And mental health is now a viable reason to kill the baby. Even anticipated mental health. The arbitrary discretion of the mother is now a viable reason to kill a viable baby. Reprehensible. To get back to the ‘dry foot’ thing- it is now legal to kill a baby as long as one of its feet is still in the birth canal. In Virginia, the Governor himself suggested that a ‘conversation’ could be had about a living, breathing baby, after it had been delivered. A ‘conversation’ about the fate of the baby. I am absolutely mortified that this is acceptable, and being applauded by anyone, let alone the citizens of this country. It is not acceptable to me. It is the manifestation of a Godless society.

  10. @Val:

    Maybe is just me, but I find abhorrent that some people think they can decide if a life is “viable”.

    It isn’t just you. I can see how “viability” could be an academic matter, but not a medical one.

    Medical care for babies now tagged “non-viable” could be used as a research opportunity to discover treatments that could actually benefit the little ones now and in the future.

  11. and northam, the governor of virginia, who advocated killing a delivered baby at the discretion of the mother, is a ‘pediatric neurologist.’
    and it must stop.

  12. I suppose I’d feel better if all of you holier-than-thou “Christians” were each raising at least 25 children, products of mothers who did not wish to be mothers but whom you forced to birth…..

    But, no: you just prat and have violence fantasies directed towards those who don’t share your “belief” in sacred cows. Cheap shots. …..Lady in Red

  13. Where is this suddenly coming from…

    I am thinking that the Dems have become irrational and hysterical.

    From “abolish ICE” to “open borders” to “sanctuary cities” to defiance of the First and Second Amendments in multifarious ways to “abolish the electoral college” to “socialism” to now this, it cannot be explained except as an hysterical “resistance” move, especially with regard to Trump’s court (and Supreme Court) nominees.

    They are throwing their versions of “bombs”, threatening in multifarious ways to destroy the country if they can’t be in control, to try to provoke “bad acts” by Trump supporters (look at the constant faking of this). They have become dangerous extremists. This is desperation.

  14. Lady in Red

    Did you watch this video? I hope not. This guy is advocating killing babies right after they are born. You know, out of the womb, breathing on their own. Don’t tell me you’re OK with this.

  15. Democrat platform:
    Save the seals, whales, snail darters, don’t hurt animals, don’t eat meat, allow islamic terrorists and illegal aliens to enter the US, honor killings, genital mutilation and rape are islamic traditions, pedophiles, homosexuals, transgenders are normal, there is no God, Big Government is good, capitalism is bad, socialism is good, public education is good, Christian and home schooling is bad, businesses are bad, Unions are good, death penalty for heinous crimes is cruel and unusual punishment, murdering unborn and born babies is lawful and encouraged.
    Vote Democrat.

  16. Anyone who votes in a law to kill live born babies is worse than a vile pedophile. Any real abortionist doctor knows he/she is torturing a human baby to death. However, the new live kill laws being passed in NY, Oregon, Virginia ALLOW for actual babies to be delivered for disposal by anyone. Therefore, if satanic ritualists require a real baby to sacrifice, they get one on the quiet with no questions or objections. The pit of evil is bottomless and the depraved population is scarily numerous as they keep exposing themselves publicly more and more.

  17. BB…. I don’t feel strongly one way or the other. Jews used to believe an infant had to live outside the womb for 12 days until…..

    Mothers have killed their infants since the beginning of time. Cats and dogs do it, if…..

    We are the only creature that spends millions upon millions of bucks on creatures which, if another species, would not be “allowed” to reproduce. We celebrate defective, but hereditary diseases and DNA. Nobody gets “culled” from our “herd.” The greater the defect, the greater the resources devoted to assuring the DNA, the genes, are passed on to multiple generations.

    I do understand: you believe that is the way your God wants it. ….Lady in Red

  18. I have nothing good to say about ghouls who would kill an innocent baby right after it was born. May God have mercy on us, this is evil and insane and at a certain point the jig is up and we’ll all be held accountable and it won’t be pretty. If someone would’ve told me that this was the inevitable result of Roe V Wade 46 years ago when I was almost 20 I probably wouldn’t have believed them. Please pray that this will end and ask God for mercy and forgiveness for this abomination.

  19. And right after the “fetus” is aborted, you can be sure Planned Parenthood will be on the phone selling the parts for transplants and research.
    Follow the money, these people are worse then murderers.

  20. Democrats are the basest of hypocrites but then that’s how they are able to morph from generation to generation. Do you remember how they use to spit on American soldiers returning from Veit Nam and call the baby killers as the ultimate insult? They of course never gave two shits about the “babies killed.” They were ramping up their abortion mills the whole time which has eventually lead to this monstrosity. Expect far more disgusting and morally reprehensible things to come that’ll make death panel look pale in comparison.

  21. I may have to rescue again but this time it will be rescuing older people like myself from the inevitable death panels. My children still need their father and my grandchildren need me as well so if I need to stick my neck out let it be to protect the sanctity of human life for both the unborn and everyone in between who is a supposed burden to our godless society and for all the old people as well. God forbid that we have to fight another civil war except this time it will be against abortion and all the other evils (homosexuality etc.) our society is currently mired in. But I will fight against these evils just as some of my relatives fought against slavery.

  22. Honestly, Joe? I don’t know where to “draw the line.” I just think that a God who tells you to protect anything and everything that pops out and, worse, once you’ve popped, God gives you no say in how long you have to “endure” this world, is a strange God.

    Why didn’t he tell cats and dogs not to kill “problem” offspring? Why does he allow the wolves to cull the herds of the weak, the slow, the deformed?

    Why are “you” the only ones who got this secret message from him? ….Lady in Red

    PS: And you are all so “prog vicious and violent” about this. It’s like God’s antifa.

  23. @Lady in Red – The basis of the conflict is that we (the undefined “we”) do not have a common definition of what a person is. Few would argue that it is ever acceptable to murder a person. The question is at what point does a person’s existence begin. Is it an event or is it a process? Undecided.

    You clearly do not regard an unborn child as a person yet. I disagree, but have no cogent argument to offer.

    It seems quite unlikely that “we” (the big “we”, not you and I) will ever agree on a definitive way of distinguishing a pre-person from a person.

  24. Every abortion story brings out “Lady” in Red. Say, “Lady”, how many babies did you abort, anyway?

    B_B gets it for sure,”try this with your golden retriever”.

    In one state, the first offense animal cruelty charge is a misdemeanor, the second time is a felony.

  25. I’ve always said that abortion is murder but I really don’t care if you want to murder your fetus.
    Just admit it’s murder and stop thinking of me as some sort of idiot.

    This is not even arguable any longer. This is state sanctioned murder of infants. It’s infanticide.
    Have the balls to advocate for this based on that truism.

  26. Why stop here. Make abortion retroactive up to age 18. Kid giving you trouble or not meeting your expectations? Off him or her, or should I say “it” to make the process a little easier to stomach.

    There are people in this World who deserve to be killed because of what they have done during their lives. Newborn babies do not as they have not had lives to live yet.

    There is black and white. There is good and evil. There are some shades of grey too but these new abortion laws are evil as are the people who propose them and vote for them.

  27. On some level, Uncle Al, it transcends that. Yep, there is a problem with defining a “person” who is pregnant with…..? I support the wishes of the “grown up person.”

    But, I also believe in survival of the fittest — over all. It seems that, in so many ways, we are watering down the gene pool of the entire human race. Put bluntly: the wrong people are breeding.

    I also support euthanasia, helping a person who has given up (for whatever personal reason) to end life, not force them to blast their heads off, or take an overdose — that doesn’t work. (Did you ever read the horror story of all horror stories, “Ethan Frome?”)

    I believe life should be a joy. Period. The beginning should not be cigarette burns and smashed bones, life without love or care, and the end of it all should not be suffering without hope. (Another good read is about the life of William Ernest Henley, a friend of Robert Louis Stevenson, who patterned Long John Silver after Henley. Henley wrote “Invcitus.” Henley adored his beautiful young wife…. ….who died in childbirth….. and Henley transferred his devotion to his young daughter…. who was trampled to death by a milk horse. He contracted some painful, debilitating disease and, finally, gave up: suicide. Read “Invictus,” if you don’t know it. I have respect for Henley’s decision.)

    I detest the prating on the left and it saddens me that I see much the same *kind* of thinking about the control of others’ lives on what I would like to consider “my side of the church.” I especially hate the vicious ugliness…. “worse than a pedophile…” “ghouls…” Worse! There’s no love, or understanding, there. …..Lady in Red

  28. First off, it’s not “murder” if it’s sanctioned by the State.
    It’s Legal Homicide.

    Giving anyone the “right” to decide another’s “value” as a human is dangerous to us all. There is simply, no “right,” though there is power. The abortion fanatics attempt to (falsely) claim that the debate is about “rights” – of the woman, of society (see LIR above) – but never the “right” of the aborted child.

    Russians decide “Kulaks” have no “right” to live.
    Germans decide “Untermenschen” (Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, &c.) have no “right” to live.
    Chinese decide “Rich Peasants” have no “right” to live.
    Cambodians decide “Non-Adherents” have no “right” to live.

    We have decided that “inconvenient” children have no “right” to live.

    And there it stands. Once accepted as a legal construct, it will be used by every pernicious maggot who wants to arrogate, to himself (herself), who has a “right” to live – and we have discarded the legal and moral argument that a persons life is his own – has value to himself (maybe) – and may not be infringed.

    “… certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness …”
    “Life” is first. Without that Right, the others are meaningless.

    izlamo delenda est …

  29. Dan Ryan Galt…. I *have* said, in fun, that if you made abortion legal up to age twelve you’d have far more obedient children with cleaner, neater bedrooms.

    And, I don’t care, Fur, if you want to call it murder. I’m down with that, but I don’t want the woman penalized for “that kind” of murder. ….Lady in Red

  30. “But, I also believe in survival of the fittest ”

    Give me a fucking break. So if some one walks up behind you a snaps your scrawny neck your good with that? Really? We are a country of laws to protect the weak. It’s murder. Period, end of story.

    “B_B gets it for sure,”try this with your golden retriever”.”

    They just passed a law in California, any body convicted of animal cruelty spends 7 years in jail.

  31. Can’t really blame Lady in Red, she evidently “did not wish to be a mother”, but being born gives each of us a shot at life and its possibilities from a God who forgives, and says “all things are possible”.

  32. It is FAR worse, innocent human sacrifice is a sacrament to the progs. This is how they worship their lord and master in a secular human society.

    How many times have I pointed out that theirs is a religion that is totally invested in innocent human suffering, misery and death? They have been since their beginning and they are only revealing themselves to more and more people at this juncture.

  33. I have thrice composed, then wisely deleted comments to this post.
    It is good that some have outed themselves for future reference.

    I take politics in stride, but as a Virginian I was not only embarrassed by Governor Northam, I was driven to tears that he endorsed execution of the BORN innocents I have decided that I will focus on driving him from office. Virginians don’t, by nature, murder anyone. Certainly not infants. To remove Northam from office and to further expose all democrats is my mission.

    Deliver us from evil. Amen.

  34. I use to use the pick below in talks to bludgeon the pseudoscientific pro-abortion crowd when they would try to get all sciencey during debate talks. But of course, now they are trying to get away from the when “life begins” debate and over to “what defines a person” (constantly moving the goal posts). Naturally, this trips them up because genetics bitch-slaps them and hurts their promotion of the sickening transgender agenda. Life is life and genetics makes it human life and taking an innocent life makes you a murderer. People try to rebound this back on the death penalty but it doesn’t hold water as those felons very clearly made a conscious choice with known consequences.


  35. Ms. Big Beaver….. I don’t care about the science of it all. …..begins at conception? ….at birth? I don’t care when “life” begins.

    I am saying the mother’s life — and wants — trump that of “whatever you call it inside her.” She should not be forced to be an oven. That is all. ….Lady in Red

  36. ‘I don’t care when “life” begins.’ And obviously don’t understand it.
    How much does your daily crack whore problem costs you ?
    At your nonsense level, I give no s@hits,,

  37. “She should not be forced to be an oven” and men should not be forced to be her bank account! Let’s level the playing field and declare that men have no obligation whatsoever to women or how many children they may push out of their furnace flu! No alimony or child support or support of any kind should be imposed on men! Their body their freedom of choice!

  38. This is a ‘man you stations’ moment IOTWers.

    Call your local church and diocese and tell them, politely, they will get NOTHING until this stops and they can rely on the NEW membership. YES, do not go to church and tell your priest, if Cat-lick, exactly why.

    Arm up…this is what they may respond to. Who knows we are in very strange times.

  39. @michellesbigbeaver; “People try to rebound this back on the death penalty but it doesn’t hold water as those felons very clearly made a conscious choice with known consequences.”

    Part of today’s problem is that people just don’t understand simple, universal laws. ‘The law of Compensation.’ Karma. Many names in many places.
    One of the most wonderful gifts that we have been given has become distorted to the point that sex has now become a recreational activity. We, as humans, and God”s highest creation, were given this gift to share and reproduce. We are distinguished from the animals by our being able to bond and share and nuture and guide and love. But the casualty of sex today has taken from the more extensive pleasures that may be known. Instant gratification is sought, often with little familiarity with the partner. The physical sensation is the pursuit and the emotional is foregone. And the consequences are ignored.
    Babies are made in one way. If someone is not aware of the potential consequences of such activities, they should not participate in them. And certainly, waiting 9 months to terminate a consequence is not rational, let alone moral. In my world, at least. In today’s world, one can test for pregnancy easily, and also methods are available for interaction almost immediately, if one has had risky activity. This is 2019 and late term abortions should be obsolete, not the new ‘goto’ option. Ignorance makes it otherwise, and we see laws such as these new ones.
    I acknowledge that in some circumstances abortion may be the correct choice. But not late term. I’ve had quite a bit of schooling, in the life sciences and otherwise, and I have yet to be formally taught that the taking of a living, breathing baby’s life is anything other than murder.

    @lir: “She should not be forced to be an oven.”
    No one is forcing her to be anything. It is a consequence of her choices (except in the case of rape). What is one of the most beautiful events in a persons life is being contorted to have it be a state of victimhood. No, I believe that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, but many work to prevent that from being enjoyed.
    Don’t fuck if you don’t want to maybe have a baby. And if you do, take precautions to prevent that. It is really pretty simple. No ovens involved.

  40. Gad! but you people are dense!

    I have made a zillion *salient* points about many things, but, like the progs with their memes (Trump is a racist bigot and a liar…..) you fall back — unthinkingly — on your own memes. I get it: you are unable to *think* about this issue, to read, to ponder, to wonder….. ….about possibilities beyond your knee-jerk memes (if you don’t want to be an oven, then don’t fuck…. duh!)

    I keep hoping I might inspire some introspective — even private — thought, but…. duh! It’s meme time, again. Just spout. Never think.

    “Knowing” the answers makes thinking unimportant. ….Lady in Red

    PS: And you are soooo ugly and antifa-vicious! Is this Christ love?

  41. Farm Wife has it all concise and wrapped up like a thought balloon…..Have the Abortion, but your awake like a tooth procedure……you have to squeeze the life of that human you just shat out of your box….

  42. Listen to women who have killed their own children. The remorse is unfathomable. There are no words to describe the baby killers, the slaughter of innocents. None of your excuses will stand up before God when you are judged, and you will be judged. You are best described as butchers. Murdering innocent children for your convenience. Demonic. Deceived. Butchers. Joseph Mengeles offspring.

  43. @LIR….nobody doubts your desire to have females have the choice to end their pregnancy at will……I just think that when a cell splits to form an organism, I’d like to see it thrive….I also step on spiders. Treat my dogs for ticks and fleas and refuse to go bass fishing in the deltas of California. Are you married?…..yes or no, do you have nice tits.Yes or no. …..Fuck, I thought I might have some fun with this post and I can’t….LIR is responsible for the death of erections….

  44. No, Charlie….Water….. There is no remorse for most women who abort. Like the left, you self-select the views which confirm your “beliefs.” You block out everything else: you do not think. You accept pre-chewed thinking and views. You internalize it. You create innocents, as well as monsters (one of which, apparently, I am.)

    You live in an unreal, self-confirming bubble — on this issue!

    I’m sad, tired, disappointed, yet again. Perhaps, someone, on IOTW is thinking, now. That is my hope. ….Lady in Red

  45. BB…. I would support not having folk who believe as you do not having to pay for abortions. That is reasonable.

    I do not mistake the intensity of your (non) thinking, but passion on the matter.

    I am just opposed, as I have written, to the fascism of it, the imposition of your views upon honest, good people who think otherwise….. ….including “Christians”. (Yesh, there are folk who identify as Christian who support abortion…)

    In India, you might get life, or worse, for killing a cow.

    When “God” decided to “allow” cats and dogs to kill some offspring, “he” made a decision (which, presumably he might have made otherwise). Only healthy cats and dogs are, in the wild, allowed to survive. Was that God? Your God?

    When “God” “decided” to allow wolves to cull herds, what was that?

    I do not purport to have answers, but more questions in response to your infuriating, repetitive memes.

    Things, in America, are not getting better, with the progs. “You” are not improving things with your verbal violence. ….Lady in Red

  46. lir: “I do not purport to have answers, but more questions in response to your infuriating, repetitive memes.”
    If you don’t have answers, why do you make decisions? Get the information you need.
    This is life, kiddo, not a Betty Crocker oven bake-off. We’re talking about life- its sanctity and preservation. The value of it, and how precious and unique a gift it is. This is very real. And we’re not working with pencils here. We’re talking pens and ink. Before you go giving people the right to take another’s life, please _do_ have the answers. No ‘ooopsies’ allowed when it comes to life.

  47. Gad! I can’t stop, BB! Getting mugged for your coat — and shot — in Chicago is not really the “survival of the fittest” of which I write.

    Yes, you might break my neck. Proud?

    The wrong people are breeding in a zillion ways, from welfare breeders with bad DNA to folk who cost the government hundred of millions of bucks to sustain (a useless) life.

    Do you know the word, movie “Koyaanisqatsi?” It is “life out of balance.”

    (I recommend it.) ….smile… ….Lady in Red

  48. “Gad! I can’t stop, BB! Getting mugged for your coat — and shot — in Chicago is not really the “survival of the fittest” of which I write.”

    Oh, you’re a selective survivor. I’m out.

  49. LIR, you always say somebody is thinking, yep I always think you’re one evil bitch that I almost feel sorry for on the day of judgment.

    BB, the animal rights movement was all part of the same plan as abortion, devalue human life. Both have worked very well.

  50. Just when I think Planned Parenthood has pushed too far, they show, once again and in greater degree, their thirst for human blood. This is satanic. Prayer and fasting, people. Prayer and fasting.

  51. watch this robotic talking point bitch from Tucker Carlson last night.

    I’m against abortion, but, her mom may have regretted not making the choice when she was born.
    She claims republicans and sexual predator Kavanaugh are trying to take away women’s health, while killing children when they rip them from their mothers at the border.
    Even when confronted with the fact that the bill is referring to post birth infanticide, she stall talks about a woman’s rights and “her” body.


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