Abortionist Confronts Christian Anti-Abortionist – IOTW Report

Abortionist Confronts Christian Anti-Abortionist

The doc seems deranged, and looks a lot like this guy, who escaped being convicted of murdering his wife-

Michael Peterson

13 Comments on Abortionist Confronts Christian Anti-Abortionist

  1. Is there an internet black hole or Phantom Zone that we can abort internet pesky trolls too that post all this bs about working for Google to? And having rescued at an abortion clinic before I could tell you many stories about pro aborts and how they go full demonic as well as apoplectic when confronted by the evils of abortion, it ain’t pretty and funny at the same time.

  2. Nothing particularly revealing here, the doc is just winding him up.

    I remember in the early 90’s taking the wife to the movie Basic Instinct. There were protestors outside, about a dozen lesbians with signs complaining the movie was anti-LBGT. As I walked by to get my tickets I said something similar to ,”I hear all the lesbo’s die a gruesome death in this movie, yeah baby, now that’s what I call entertainment. I’d have brought the kids but they are still field dressing that cat they shot yesterday”. I was young and should have known better.

  3. BAMO
    SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 AT 9:42 AM
    “@geoff, why wouldn’t you want to make $27485 to $29658 consistently?”

    …and you can put it in the same account the Nigerian Prince is going to post your thank-you money to…


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