About That 10-Year-Old Rape Victim – IOTW Report

About That 10-Year-Old Rape Victim

Over the last week, we have been barraged with stories about a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio who was unable to obtain an abortion in that state and had to cross the line into Indiana to terminate her pregnancy. If you Google “10 year old abortion Ohio,” you get 33,100,000 results. The story is everywhere, internationally.

But did it happen? It turns out that the story originated with an abortionist who is also a media figure, seemingly working full-time to promote abortion. And if a 9 or 10 year old was raped, it was a heinous crime. Where is the criminal prosecution of the rapist? There doesn’t seem to be any record of one, and in fact, no Ohio newspaper has endorsed the story. more

15 Comments on About That 10-Year-Old Rape Victim

  1. Not only did the rape not happen, but can a 10 year old pre-pubescient child even get pregnant? I don’t know the biology/physiology involved, but my gut tells me that this story is a lie on multiple levels.

  2. Classic abortion propaganda spewed from the mouths of political hacks who cannot comprehend the Constitution or let go of the lies that got them elected.

    If you listen to abortion proponents, every single abortion in the United States is an example of a 13-year-old who is the victim of incest and who will die for certain if the pregnancy progresses.

    Most abortions in this country are post conception birth control infanticides. And that’s because for the most part responsibility has flown out the window with the advent of Birth Control Pills and the Sexual Revolution, which at the end of the day was mostly about men and women being able to have sex without consequences.

  3. Over the last 2 years the media has used the words “unsubstantiated “ and “without evidence” everytime they mention charges of cheating in the 2020 election. Funny how the words aren’t applied to this actual unsubstantiated story. One clue that it is a lie? Fake President Biden has repeated it.

  4. If the story pops up on MSM it most likely not true or heavily twisted and bent into propaganda for the left as normal news. When will people learn how that works???

  5. Talk to any dumbass democrats piece of shit, and their entire brain is filled with false narratives that they chose to believe because they wanted to believe it or they made up themselves for the same reason. These assholes are hopelessly corrupt, dishonest, and insane.

    Every sane person must accept the fact that the filthy, demonic democrat base will soon just start taking everyone’s wealth, freedom, and lives right out in the open and be proud of it. It will be either us or them soon. I’d wager the 2024 election will end up with a landslide against the democrats that they will just flat out claim was a “stolen election” and they will refuse to leave office.

    All they have now is that people still do nothing at all to push back against their out of control Satanism.


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