About that excoriation of Trump for taking an hour off to open new hotel – IOTW Report

About that excoriation of Trump for taking an hour off to open new hotel

Remember when the press couldn’t stop asking Trump about his hour-long hiatus from the campaign trail to go to the grand opening of his new DC hotel?

They tried to imply that he didn’t have the seriousness required to run for the presidency, putting business over the importance of campaigning every waking hour in the final days leading up to election day.

Will they get all over Obama for taking an entire Saturday off to play golf instead of pitching in to campaign for the left?

I doubt it.

ht/ just the tip

7 Comments on About that excoriation of Trump for taking an hour off to open new hotel

  1. Trump didn’t take his hour off on the public’s dime.

    It still pisses me off that Obama was flying all over the country at taxpayer expense to campaign for an un-indicted criminal.

  2. Did the press even ask Hillary why she didn’t have the decency to show up in person to concede the race on election night? Was she a rage-monster, a blubbering crybaby, or both? Talk about temperament oroblems…

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