About that loser, Mitt Romney – IOTW Report

About that loser, Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney continually worked to undermine Donald Trump, painting him as an unelectable loser.

How did Trump win?

Trump won 5 states that Mitt Romney lost in 2012-

Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Florida.

Trump did not lose one state that Romney won.

26 Comments on About that loser, Mitt Romney

  1. If Donald Trump keeps his promises to the American people he will go down as one of the greatest Presidents ever, if he cozies up to the pieces of shit establishment Republicans and does not stay the hell “out the Bushs” he will go down as a dismal failure. He didn’t need these Goddamned reprobates to get elected and he doesn’t need them of the stinking media to push his agenda through. All he needs is the American people and he has already done one thing that Ronald Reagan screwed up on, he has as much as left the Bush progressive machine out and this morning he needs to lock that door and throw away the key.

  2. MAN-O-MAN what a night!!!

    The little lady and I finally got to bed after Trump’s perfect victory speech. He is The Boss, no doubt about that at all. I feel so optimistic about our future. Just think, he owes no one a thing. He’s exposed the left dominated media for the liars they are. The CofC, the GOPe, the Uniparty Globalists(that’s you Ryan) have been defeated despite the most vicious, hate filled campaign E-Vah.

    I wouldn’t want to be Hillary or Bill for all the tea in China. AG Gulliani has got to be their worst nightmare.

    This is a course of history changing event and we have front row seats. Pretty kewl.

  3. Interesting that the Repubs who shunned Trump had a hard time getting re-elected (Ayotte still undetermined) or lost (Kirk, Heck, Dold). Those who jumped on the Trump train – even late in the game – were re-elected.

    So much for the “wisdom” of the NeverTrumpers.

  4. Oh yeah, and Mitt? Fucking loser, this is how you do it. You had the Toothpick by the short and curlies after the first debate and you sat there in the second and smiled a shit eating grin when he said, “The 80s are calling and they want their foreign policy back.”

    And as Trump said, “Rich? He’s not rich.”

  5. No more Clinton or Bush politicians. Mitt, that Ohio governor and others who so rude to Mr. Trump can now just shut the f#*k up. Can we now all come together and put the Klintons in jail?

  6. Now if we can just get Ginsberg and Kennedy to resign from SCOTUS, we can REALLY make progress. How about an all-expense-paid hunting trip to Texas for the two of them. Maybe hosted by Dick Cheney?

  7. Hey, Mittens! I’ve got John Kasich on the phone. He wants to know what you’re doing this weekend, now that you and he are finished politically, widely loathed, and nobody will touch you with a 10-foot pole. Competitive game of croquet Saturday afternoon? Maybe play together with your Pokeman cards? You name it, Kasich is game!

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