About That Vaunted Ukrainian Offensive… – IOTW Report

About That Vaunted Ukrainian Offensive…

Yahoo! News

By late June, it had become clear that the counteroffensive was not meeting the expectations that military and political leaders in the West once harbored. Russia simply had too much time to prepare, erecting anti-tank barriers, trenches and vast fields of mines along the 600-mile front.

Western nations, including the United States, supplied Ukraine with tanks and armored vehicles, but these ultimately did little good in the open farmlands that carpet the theater of operations. More

15 Comments on About That Vaunted Ukrainian Offensive…

  1. I can see that this is the usual left-tilted reporting by Yahoo that will enable the pResident to push American boys and girls (by executive order) into a European fray which does not involve our country at all.

  2. “The Ukrainians have yet to commit the bulk of their forces for the counteroffensive and they continue to probe Russian lines for weaknesses.”

    Probing to the tune of 500+ dead Ukrainian soldiers a day, and where progress is measured in meters instead of kilometers? Whatever gets you through the news cycle, anonymous official.

  3. ^^^ “… MILLIONS — of anti-personnel and anti-tank land mines.”

    I think they should give obama, biden and victoria newland pogo sticks and send them over there. They can fly them there on kerry’s jet.

  4. The Ukraine war is nothing more than a money-laundering operation for the democrat AND the republican party and their “partners”. The former “American” government goaded the war to start, and now they’re looting our country (in other words: you and I) by sending TRILLIONS of OUR national treasury to corrupt people and countries, most of wich makes a u-turn back to the democrat AND the republican party and their “partners”. How the fuck are we taking this????????

  5. Anybody who thought this offensive had any chance at all just hasnt been paying attention, especially since May of this year. Russia strikes ammo depots, fuel depots, assembly areas AT WILL.

    Russia hit an ammo dump in Khreminsky, Western Ukraine which contained a huge store of depleted uranium rounds. The dump blew up like a mini-Hiroshima. And this was 300 miles away. Think F-16’s are a game changer? Even if they could evade Russian AAMs, they still need fuel. How difficult would it be to set off a depot of jet fuel? You could probably do it with a carelessly tossed cigarette. Wonder what a kamikaze drone with an incendiary warhead could do?

    And anyone who thinks Russians cant build field fortifications should study the battle of Kursk, which occurred 80 years ago

  6. Maybe Millie and Austin can lead by example, and take that tranny admiral with you. Off you go to the front line.
    What, they aren’t into either? Ah shucks.
    Makes you wonder where Millie got all those ribbons?

  7. The west is in fatal decline. Self destruction brought on by a long period of stability in the political and economic systems leading to hubris. Really, smelling your own farts ought be a guilty pleasure rather than a modus operandi for an entire (once fantastically successful) branch of human civilization.

    The United States started as a pretty well designed experiment in self governance. We encouraged this around the world in word and in some cases deed. Along the way we shed that idea and retreated into more a traditional governance of the monied elite, draped in the long dead and poorly tanned skin of the ideal.
    European leadership never moved away from the old way, but draped the skin of self governance over the underlying primitive structure. The overt totalitarians, Soviet, Chinese, Norks, and a mess of others laid the skin over their systems and shouted their superiority to the world.

    The US deep state and oligarchy fomented the war in Ukraine, removed and replaced Ukraine’s elected government to open the hostilities in the war, funded and equipped the Ukrainian military to pursue the war and now they’re salting the earth with cluster munitions, leaving a legacy of death for generations of farmers, mushroom pickers and worst of all, children to discover in the future.

    It would be traditional business as usual except for that dead stench of self governance lingering about the rotting corpse of western civilization. They’re doing this all… in your and my name.


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