Absolute BS – NY Fired Department Won’t Allow a Picture of the President Elect in the Firehouse – IOTW Report

Absolute BS – NY Fired Department Won’t Allow a Picture of the President Elect in the Firehouse

NY Post-

The FDNY has ordered firefighters to not hang pictures of President-elect Donald Trump in firehouses or on their trucks, angering some members of the department.

“Only [the] FDNY wouldn’t want the democratically elected president of America hanging in a firehouse,” said one firefighter, who asked to remain anonymous.

“The firehouse is supposed to be a symbol of America. That’s hard to believe when you can’t post a picture of the president.”

Department brass sent out a memo this week urging New York City’s Bravest to “remain out of the political scene and out of the political field” amid the widely divided opinions sparked by Trump’s election a week ago, according to officials.

“Posting of these materials is not in compliance with Regs,” the message read. “Please make sure apparatus and quarters are clear of this material.”

The firefighters took the wording about “materials not in compliance” to be a reference to the president-elect, sources said.

It was especially confusing to some because pictures of past presidents do hang in firehouses.

“They have pictures of . . . George Bush standing on the World Trade Center pile with a megaphone,” the source said. “FDNY posts pictures all the time. When Barack Obama visits firehouses, FDNY officially posts photos of him shaking hands, people smiling — no problem there.”


ht/ mel

18 Comments on Absolute BS – NY Fired Department Won’t Allow a Picture of the President Elect in the Firehouse

  1. I feel the same way at my work like it is wrong to even say i voted for Trump. Not that they have posters cause it’s a business but there is a weird vibe in the air. The business is anti hillary due to her job killing policies it is the employees that are anti trump. My county was one of the blue spots in SWFL.

  2. Not a bad idea to keep politics out of TAX PAYER funded government organizations. I get furious seeing firemen proudly displaying their union logos right next to communists. THAT is why we vote down every single police and fire tax proposal. Post Office is the worst. They have more signs supporting communists than any group of teachers. That is why we want the Post Office privatized.

  3. I kinda sorta get it. GWBush moment was a special moment in history. FDNY history . As long as FDNY didn’t post pictures of Barack then they shouldn’t post any president.

    I’m not automatically offended by this.

  4. The head of the NY Fired Epartment is Daniel A. Nigro (I am not making this up). There is this nifty thing called PhotoShop, and it might be possible for a knowledgable PShop user to put together a nice photo of DeBlasio screwing Nigro in the ass. I’m sure FDNY regs allow photos of their chief and mayor to be displayed. Heh-heh-heh.

  5. My only point is that if presidents Washington thru Obama are on display and trump is excluded i would be plenty pissed too. If there’s just one historical pic of W at WTC then this is much ado about nothing.

  6. The democrat “elite” are like the assholes who caused the collapse of the Soviet Union. They’re too fucking stupid to realize that by banning the President’s picture in the fire houses just because he’s not a democrat, they’ve just assured that Trump will be fucking folk hero to the rank and file. The obtuseness of high ranking democrats is unfathomable.

  7. “Only [the] FDNY wouldn’t want the democratically elected president of America hanging in a firehouse,” said one firefighter, who asked to remain anonymous.

    hey, i don’t want to see him hanging in a firehouse either….or a train station…. or a lamppost……dang, people!!!

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