Absolutely Perfect Cartoon – IOTW Report

Absolutely Perfect Cartoon

15 Comments on Absolutely Perfect Cartoon

  1. I know, right!? It leaves me completely gobsmacked that when you get to the bones of it all, so many of these people have NO CLUE what has actually happened under European and other fascism. How do they not know this history????

    Well, I know how they don’t know it, I just can’t wrap my mind around that they don’t.

  2. Shitty interpretation of a not really FAT entitled leftist unless it is an entitled soyboy maybe?

    They don’t wait on lines. NOT ‘realistic’ enough to be… real.

    IO(T)W they would be DEAD before they even got on line. Would be better IF he was 100 people back with his/her dam sign.

    Seen better…

  3. They aren’t called “Limo Liberals” for nuthin’. LOL!

    I sometimes fantasize a 20-something, mouthy anitfa’s very confused expression and hurt feelings when he gets a rifle butt in the ribs. And invoking “Do you KNOW who I am?!” elicits mockery and laughter from the guys with the rifles.

    Sometimes I change up the fantasy by imagining it is Susan Rice, Maxine Waters, Justin Amash…. Hell! This reverie has limitless possibilities.

  4. You’re right @AbigailAdams, and like Yuri Bezmenov says, “Future Marxist-Leninist regime does not tolerate these useful idiot prostitutes because when they see what their grand ideas of the wonders of Socialism actually is in practice, they will revolt and may become the most ardent dissidents. So therefore they are squashed like cockroaches, they are not needed anymore and are the first to be lined up against a wall and shot. Only when the military boot crashes their balls will they understand, but not before then. That’s the tragedy of the situation.”
    The cartoon depicts a guy who, in practice, has long been dealt with well before he gets to the bread line.

  5. Years ago, our AIKIDO dojo had a Russian student from Moscow appear, uninvited and unexpected. Our Sensei took him in for a couple of weeks while he trained with us. His English was pretty good. He told me that when he went to a local supermarket with our Sensei, he nearly broke down and cried because, as he said, the shelves with pet food were more amply stocked than any shelves of human food in any supermarket he’d ever seen in Moscow. I’ll bet ol’ Bernie or Dizzy Lizzie never had to go to one of those stores…

  6. @forcibly deranged – “Moscow on the Hudson” syndrome. I was in a company school in the mid 90’s with a student from the old East Germany, and he said the same thing. The stories he told me about life in the glorious land of communism were amazing and sad.


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