Absurd- Now OBITS Are Including That Deaths WEREN’T Covid-19 related – IOTW Report

Absurd- Now OBITS Are Including That Deaths WEREN’T Covid-19 related

Hank Steinbrenner died- RIP.

He was a longtime co-owner of the Yankees. Here’s the obit.

Pinstripe Alley-

The Yankees Universe just lost a towering figure. According to the New York Post, Hank Steinbrenner, co-owner of the franchise, died at age 63. Joel Sherman reports that he passed away at home in Florida, after battling a lengthy illness that was not COVID-19.

The eldest son of George Steinbrenner, Hank assumed control of the Yankees in 2007, along side his brother Hal. He inherited the team in 2010 after the passing of the Steinbrenner patriarch.


ht/ js

10 Comments on Absurd- Now OBITS Are Including That Deaths WEREN’T Covid-19 related

  1. …you know, there used to be kind of a process to getting a death certificate…the coroner may or may not want his pathologist to weigh in on one, especially with younger people, and that takes quite a bit of time…even absent that, the doctor has to make a determination as to what ultimately killed their paitent, and this generally takes a lot of time too, as everyone dies from cardiac failure and respiratory failure, but these things are generally subseqent to other failures, and that’s where the cheese binds…the doctor also wants to take care that he doesn’t indict HIMSELF too heavily, although the more ethical ones may not lie, they will ALL try to bury things in terms like “Idiopathic” (I really don’t know what happened), “nosocomial” (This happened because the hospital screwed up) “Iatrogenic” (This happened because I screwed up), or many others along this same vein…

    …the point is, that it used to be pretty odd that they’d just dump a death certificate the next day, or even that night, with ANY cause on it, as lab cultures and autopises are sometimes necessary to determine the fine points such as “OK, he died of pneumonia, but was it LOBAR pneumonia or BRONCO pneumonia, which matters to Death Office types and staticitans if not the grieving families, and can ONLY be established at autopsy, unless you want to just throw a dart and pick one…but now, if COVID is even SUSPECTED, it seems to go on a death certificate IMMEDIATELY, and is UNCRITICALLY accepted as gospel with no actual testing underpinnings or examination of what other weaknesses the person had that may have ACTUALLY killed them even on the off chance they DID have COVID…

    …and so, we allow the Democrats to continue to redefine and restructure EVERYTHING to say what THEY want to say, and then we wonder why they end up ruling us…of course with this we give up certain OTHER things, like we are giving physicians a blank check to blame a death on something OTHER than themselves in a way no lawyer will be called to question, and we may be missing something with REAL public health significance like did the person die of a REAL contageous disease like tuberculosis that their FAMILY may NEED to know about, or did they die from an environmental poison that is slowly killing OTHERS and by blaming COVID, real or imaginary, we allow it to CONTINUE to kill others…

    …yep, the Democrats have even redefined Death itself.

    …and the sad part is, we LET them.

    …it’s for our safety, after all…

  2. …I guess you HAVE to say that if you don’t want everyone too scared by the Democrats to come to your loved one’s funeral, or you don’t want your jumpy employer to take you off work for a 2 week quarentine for just knowing the guy…but, your friends funeral won’t be large anyway, with weasels like Lord Fuckwad of DIABLO, Ohio limiting your allowable mourners to 10, Democrat scumbags excepted, of course…

  3. I was gonna note in MY obituary, that, “No matter what manner of medical gobbledygook the coroner wrote on his death certificate, he died after a lifelong battle with Original Sin,” just to spite the Der Kommissar ObamassarKare establishment.

    NOW I think I’m gonna change that to, death by “MEDIA PANDEMONIUM VIRUS.” Even if I die DECADES from now. 🙄

  4. ” …I guess you HAVE to say that if you don’t want everyone too scared by the Democrats to come to your loved one’s funeral … ”

    Are funerals still being allowed?

    I thought they fell under the banned gathering and other coronapanic edicts like going to church and such are.

  5. Bob M. APRIL 14, 2020 AT 1:03 PM
    “I was gonna note in MY obituary…”

    …a commendable goal, but it may be just a tad difficult for you to note things in your OWN obituary, unless you’re planning on faking your own death OR you consider “Ghost” to be a documentory…

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