Absurd Voter Fraud in France – IOTW Report

Absurd Voter Fraud in France

I know, I know. It’s almost cliche to charge voter fraud after an election. But reserve your eye rolls until after you see this article, with accompanying videos.

The cheating wasn’t even hidden, it was overt and out in the open.

ht/ nm


17 Comments on Absurd Voter Fraud in France

  1. France is gone. Done. Here’s the deal, they have 300 nuclear tipped missiles.

    Shouldn’t Obama be charged with something for interfering in a sovereign nations election?

  2. The key to successful election fraud is believability. Any Latin American despot could tell them that.

    The margin of victory is far too broad. You want to make the opposition feel that they lost, not that they were robbed.

    I think that it may get very ugly in France.

  3. As was said, riots are a two way street. Here’s looking forward to another Bastille Day, another French Revolution.
    For those with nothing left to lose, why not? Viva la Revolution!!

  4. So the leftists won and there was rampant voter fraud? You won’t read that in the New York Times. Or see it on TV. As someone here said, even FOX described Le Pen as a right-wing populist and Maricon as a moderate centrist. FFS!

  5. Macron will install MB Muslims throughout the national government at top levels.
    This was their last election.

    Now, how to de-nuclearize the French so that a militant Muslim France is not a threat to the USA?
    We will have similar crises with a Muslim Germany and a Muslim Britain.

    Eurabia means NATO as a Western coalition is over. NATO will transition seamlessly into the Army Of The Caliphate. The MB’s master plan all along.

  6. Maricon is a long time member of the communist party. Common knowledge, easy to prove. It’s not real hard to figure out where this “centrist” is headed.

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