ACAB??? What About Bastards? – IOTW Report

ACAB??? What About Bastards?

11 Comments on ACAB??? What About Bastards?

  1. Lawyers caused this.

    Cops know what they should have done but they can’t because there’s always the threat of losing everything due to law suits.

    The end result is that they still lose everything.

    Cops have a shit job.

  2. That was a justified homicide. Fuck these cops. They’re like rapists, they get off on the violence. The cop that survived should be charged with the killing.

  3. oh yeah, fuck you guys for defending the low IQ psychopaths. I hope I am on scene when it happens to you………..I’ll be the guy laughing his ass off.

  4. “That was a justified homicide. Fuck these cops. They’re like rapists, they get off on the violence.”

    I think I’ll hold off pointing fingers, but yeah this went on waaaaay to long. Physical violence has a time limit before shit goes bad. And those two pussy cops were in the wrong line of work. Maybe pastry chefs or something like that. Stoooopid.

  5. “A jury in Tulsa found Ware guilty of first-degree murder, shooting with intent to kill, possession of a firearm after a felony conviction, possession of drugs with intent to distribute and obstructing an officer, according to KJRH.” Granted the officers could have handled the situation more effectively, but the perp damn sure did everything he could to escalate the incident. Strange guy for Mr, McGrew to come to the defense for.

  6. wow, two soulless, balless jerkoffs in this comment section. one of em constantly running his mouth about utter nonsense, usually monday morning qaurterbacking. if you think it’s you then your guilty conscience is on the money faggots

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