Academic Won’t Be Silenced About Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria – IOTW Report

Academic Won’t Be Silenced About Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

The Free Press

I am a professor of psychology at Northwestern University. I have been a professor for 34 years, and a researcher for 40. Over the decades, I have studied controversial topics—from IQ, to sexual orientation, to transsexualism (what we called transgenderism before 2015), to pedophilia. I have published well over 100 academic articles. I am best known for studying sexual orientation—from genetic influences, to childhood precursors of homosexuality, to laboratory-measured sexual arousal patterns. 

My research has been denounced by people of all political stripes because I have never prioritized a favored constituency over the truth. 

But I have never had an article retracted. Until now. More

18 Comments on Academic Won’t Be Silenced About Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

  1. The tide is turning, but it’s too late. The only thing we can do to have a sane and safe nation is to secede, and leave the freaks, the illegal aliens, the crooked politicians and the street criminals behind.

  2. @Different Tim — I don’t understand how you can say a man who has been a professor for more than 30 years and who has published more than 100 papers has likely been silent.

  3. I will read the article latter:

    Flushing Estrogen & their use for Menopause for decades into waterways and all the plastic Type chemicals that are also dumped into the sewers, since industrialization, are bound to FEMINIZE the Human Gene.

  4. Read the article:

    So its a Modern Fashion Trend, Search For Attention, & the in thing that Catches Fire Quickly due to Social Media & the seach for Likes.


    I still believe my previous But forgot to mention all the Damage that DRUGS both legal & Illicit are also doing to Fuck Up The gene pool.

  5. Uncle Al, I just read it as he’s been outspoken, to his credit, on Gender Dysphoria.
    Censorship has been all around for some time and it seems to have just hit him.
    I may be mistaken.

    I hate when that happens.

  6. No matter how many letters you have after your name, no matter how celebrated, published, honored or credentialed, once you run afoul of the orthodox narrative by daring to question it you are cancelled (i.e. become a non-person in commie speak).

  7. The Left and its obedient Media have created a new “gold ring” fad that kids on the carousel of Life want to reach out and grab! Catch it and they are immediately part of the new, hip clique where they are showered with attention, special considerations and special set-asides. They become untouchable!

  8. Every kid on the planet wants attention… unless he’s likely to get a Buck Jones Ass Whipping for it.
    The Left has succeeded in criminalizing corporal punishment… and I’m not talking about punching, kicking, choking, electric shock treatment or crippling a kid here, but a stern talking to and a swat on the ass is the quickest way to the brain! Can you imagine bringing up the subject of “gender dysphoria” in 1960??? How about somewhere not influenced by this ridiculous shit on the rest of the planet TODAY?

  9. Used to be when girls had a mental illness, it was either anorexia or bulemia, or they were cutting or burning themselves. Now they all think they’re boys trapped in the wrong body.

  10. I just got back from dinner with the wife & my daughter;

    There was a Dylan Mulvaney LOOK ALIKE with its mother at the next table.

    It looked completely Stupid.
    It was tossing its hair, wearing short shorts & a military black boot with the Jackie “O” style bandana.

    It’s Mom was so Proud. The Sushi Chefs, NOT SO MUCH.

  11. We’ve been watching this psycho-social phenomenon transpire right next door to us over the past two years. And I mean so close it’s hard to avert your eyes sometimes. We live in the city and our houses are nearly eave-to-eave. It’s a family of two lawyer parents (who see everything through their haughty lawyer glasses and have been an utter nightmare as neighbors, but that’s another story), a set of triplets and a slightly younger sibling. The triplets set off for Duke, Oberlin, and Brown. The only normal kid left is under a musical scholarship at U of Chicago. The first one decided he was a girl about two years ago and wanted to be called by a girl’s name. His mother made sure we knew to address him with his new name. The grandparents on both sides, with the exception of one grandfather, have all fallen for this nonsense and don’t seem to be alarmed in the least about the possibility of mental illness. Since the first one turned, the second boy came home and decided he wants to be a girl, too. Now he takes walks around the neighborhood in these really terrible get-ups that are supposed to make him look like a woman, including enormous boobs. He doesn’t wear makeup and walks like a guy. He eats like a teenaged boy, too. He also wears garrish women’s outfits that seem more than anything to mock women. Wholly unattractive. The third triplet got a somewhat short haircut about a year ago and I actually thought it was rather cute. She’s really quite feminine and can wear a shorter cut that actually accentuates her feminine face. But now I’ve seen that she’s taken it butch and has decided she’s a guy. Now she’s no longer a soft-edged girl, but a poor imitation of a dude.

    I have my own theories about these kids, starting with their mother who put a law firm partnership above everything else when she should have been home taking care of her children. Both parents have been fairly absent in the care of their children. And both parents are fairly vicious lawyers who know the price of everything and the value of nothing. I think part of the dynamic is 3 kids who continue to compete with each other for the attention of their emotionally-detached parents. Surprisingly, the one who seems to have escaped is the youngest, single-born sibling. She’s probably acclimated herself to being low one on the totem pole.

    About a week or so ago, the whole family went on a walk together; something they’ve never done before all this started. Mom and Dad were wearing their rainbow shirts and hats. So very “proud” during “pride month”, I guess. Myself, I’m thinking they’re out trolling for lawsuit victims. And it’s because I know those lawyer parents well enough to know that that is exactly what they would do to the poor soul who so much as stared gawk-eyed at their troupe.

    Just think of it: Three college graduates, a combined outlay of over $1,000,000.00 (all 3 went to out of state schools) in tuition, housing and food for their undergrad studies. Not one of them has had a job growing up and now they’re all living back home with the parents, and it’s unlikely any of the three plan on leaving anytime soon.

    If you’re having a bad day, remember, it could be worse.


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