Academy Bans Violent Actor Will Smith from Attending Oscar Ceremonies for 10 Years – IOTW Report

Academy Bans Violent Actor Will Smith from Attending Oscar Ceremonies for 10 Years


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has ruled on Friday that Will Smith will be banned from attending the Oscar ceremonies for the next ten years after the actor slapped comedian Chris Rock in the face for making a joke about his wife’s hair.

“During our telecast, we did not adequately address the situation in the room. For this, we are sorry. This was an opportunity for us to set an example for our guests, viewers and our Academy family around the world, and we fell short – unprepared for the unprecedented,” Academy President David Rubin and CEO Dawn Hudson said in a statement on Friday.

“Today, the Board has decided, for a period of 10 years from April 8, 2022, Mr. Smith shall not be permitted to attend any Academy events or programs, in person or virtually, including but not limited to the Academy Awards,” the letter stated.

“We want to express our deep gratitude to Mr. Rock for maintaining his composure under extraordinary circumstances. We also want to thank our hosts, nominees, presenters and winners for their poise and grace during our telecast.” see more

46 Comments on Academy Bans Violent Actor Will Smith from Attending Oscar Ceremonies for 10 Years

  1. Was just talking to a friend about this. I think one of two things:

    1) It was all staged to boost their ratings and the Academy is paying him big time to keep all this in the media … like, forever!

    2) It wasn’t staged and the Academy is taking advantage of the huge bump in ratings and they are paying Smith to keep this going.

  2. Are they gonna ban his bald headed whore of a wife who sicced her obidient cuck husband on Chris Rock?

    What am I thinking. That C list slut Will Smith is married to wouldn’t merit an invite on her own merits.

  3. I was hoping for prison. Had it been a conservative (which wouldn’t happen as they aren’t as mentally challenged), there would have even been a perp walk…

  4. I ain’t gonna watch that shit with or without Smiff.
    Fights or no fights.
    It’s an Incest-A-Thon that has no bearing on reality.

    Not gonna watch the “Sewer Workers Golden Spatula Awards” either.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “actor slapped comedian Chris Rock in the face for making a joke about his wife’s hair.”

    LOL, Smith gets ten years over his hairless wife. I’m not on anyone’s side on this, don’t really care about the Oscars and I couldn’t tell you a single movie or program that Will Smith or Chris Rock were in. This is far more entertaining.

  6. I knew some hollyweed people when I lived out west…in particular, a production designer(who still owes me money), a sound guy,… & I rented my ranch from a semi-famous character actor that was busy in the 70’s & 80’s.
    That whole oscars thing is just a stroke fest they do for each other.
    As “voting members” of the academy, these guys got bigtime goody packages and a vhs tape of the movies from the studios….vote buying basically.
    It’s never had anything to do with us peons, except ticket promotion and earnings.

  7. So, a black actor slaps a black comedian and gets 10 years but a black shoots a black and gets away with murder. Should have shot him.

  8. I think that being banished from the Academy Awards Ceremony for ten years is a very small price for Will Smith to pay for bringing attention to the terrible effects of Alopecia. Evidently, it compels some women to become very promiscuous and to openly discuss their dozens of sexual partners on television shows. It also makes some actors more famous for being cuckholds than for their movie roles. Thank you, Will Cuckhold Smith and Jada the Slut.

  9. Annnnnnddd I still don’t care. Actually I care even less now than when the story broke. Tabloid Trash Garbage that doesn’t deserve the time of day.

  10. Will the Academy Awards even be a thing in ten years.
    The way their viewership has plummeted over the years, I’m surprised they televised it this year.

  11. Oooooo, ooooo – I slapped two people. Can I be banished from Academy events for 20 years now? Or do I have to kick someone in the groin? Please help get this banal monstrosity out of my life.

  12. Are we comparing slaps? I slapped some snotty chick with a half salmon once.

    She didn’t think it was as funny as I did.

    Um……and I may or may not have slapped a kleptomaniac with a big double ended dildo.

    Crazy in bed sometimes really does equal…. just……plain old crazy.

  13. Wonder how the Oscar bosses settled on ten years. I didn’t know there was sentencing guidelines for slapping another in the face. It seems harsh to me. It’s Ho-wood…them bitches slap each other in the face all the time, along with pulling hair and biting.

  14. Oh, “the Academy” is slipping. They forgot to give thanks to the audience as well as everyone else. What’s that? Oh, the audience joined in by giving Smith a standing ovation? Well, there you go. That’s Hollywood. Don’t be fooled by their “sincere” apologies. Not a word.

  15. Nah, he was upright on a stage wearing a crow….cuz he wuz a kang.

    We’ll prop you up with a cigar, tommygun in each hand…..mohawk……nipple rings……the usual.


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