Accidental Honesty – Chief Canadian NAFTA Negotiator Slips-up on Camera and Admits There’s No Actual Negotiations Taking Place – IOTW Report

Accidental Honesty – Chief Canadian NAFTA Negotiator Slips-up on Camera and Admits There’s No Actual Negotiations Taking Place


Whoopsie – During a debriefing session between Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, Canadian politicians and business leaders, the chief NAFTA negotiator for Canada Steve Verheul accidentally told the group, while cameras were rolling, there were no actual NAFTA negotiations taking place.

When a seemingly shocked participant then asked a follow-up question about how could Steve Verheul reconcile that admission against earlier statements about an upcoming Memo of Understanding (MOU), Ms. Freeland quickly shut down the discussion -in french- until the cameras left the meeting.  more here

7 Comments on Accidental Honesty – Chief Canadian NAFTA Negotiator Slips-up on Camera and Admits There’s No Actual Negotiations Taking Place

  1. Have they tried trading some of Trudeau’s socks with the Americans?

    We’d prefer to trade him and keep the socks. But if the socks are a deal breaker we’ll include them:)


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