According to Biden, If You’re Not Down With the Transmutilations You’re Just Like a Mass Shooter – IOTW Report

According to Biden, If You’re Not Down With the Transmutilations You’re Just Like a Mass Shooter

13 Comments on According to Biden, If You’re Not Down With the Transmutilations You’re Just Like a Mass Shooter

  1. You’ve got that backwards old man. If you support the mangling of young bodies, you are supporting the mass murder of these same young people, and trying to usher in the death of this nation and society.

  2. They don’t care. They throw out whatever they want to say, doesn’t matter how egregious it is. Until they lose control of the vote they just don’t care, and will paint everyone who doesn’t 100% agree with them as a Nazi.
    And they definitely don’t care about children, not one iota. How anyone can support them is beyond me.

  3. Is it possible to despise joey any more than I already do? He is the most despicable excuse for a falsely elected Presidunce ever. He makes the rest of the bad democrap Presidents beginning with Woodrow Wilson, FDR, JFK, LBJ, Jimma Carta, Slick Willie and barry obummer look like pikers and that’s a hard thing to have accomplished.

  4. Funny comng from a longtime (hidden) racist and miscegenationist such as Joe Biden who’s sole purpose for living is to continue enslaving blacks to the democrat party. Think the former potus and thankfully ded vicious democrat LBJ who said, “We’ll have those n*****s voting democrat for the next 200 years.”

  5. Funny coming from a longtime (hidden) racist and miscegenationist such as Joe Biden who’s sole purpose for living is to continue enslaving blacks to the democrat party. Think the former potus and thankfully ded vicious democrat LBJ who said, “We’ll have those n*****s voting democrat for the next 200 years.”

  6. Democraps, the party of racism since 1865 till this day. Hey, democraps the Confederacy/South lost the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln, a proud Republican ended slavery 167 years ago and yet you still hate blacks and want to continue enslaving them in perpetuity. Who are the real racists, it sure as hell isn’t the Republicans. It’s guilty white liberals/progtards who still think that they should be in charge of everyone whatever race or color that they are.


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