According to Scuzzfeed Trump Will Be Impeached For Obstruction of Justice – IOTW Report

According to Scuzzfeed Trump Will Be Impeached For Obstruction of Justice

The left is jumping for joy over a Scuzzfeed piece that says Trump directed Cohen to lie about the Moscow Tower deal.

This is clickbait. If you want to support this lame ass news outlet, read the story HERE.

HT/ Ohio Dan

13 Comments on According to Scuzzfeed Trump Will Be Impeached For Obstruction of Justice

  1. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton hasn’t been charged, arrested, imprisoned, or punished for her crimes and treason. Trey Gowdy has left the House without ever prosecuting any of the government criminals he barked at only for show. They all seem to belong to a very evil, satanic hierarchy of power that requires they protect each other. So instead Trump gets constantly targeted for elimination by the very real criminals who never get prosecuted, or hung.

  2. What would Trump’s motive be to direct a lie be told to congress?
    A lie about the dates of an ongoing business negotiation, if I’m understanding this, that started long before he became a candidate? What would he gain from it?

  3. …they probably figure that it will also trigger the 42nd Amendment that says ” Any President we don’t like can be removed and replaced by Hillary Clinton at any time”.

    …because their masters told them it was so.

    …as long as they’re dreaming anyway, why not…

  4. A President can be impeached for any, or no, reason.

    The braying asses of the House will continue to bray and the House leadership will (probably) allow Articles of Impeachment to a vote, if only to not be accused of racism because the major caterwauls are negro. We expect imbecility from Mad Max Waters and the other braying asses – to expect more from the sick cabal of cynical nihilistic socialists is absurd.

    But they know, from the very beginning, that the Senate will have nothing to do with it. They (the Senate) will try, as a matter of form, but not convict – and everybody – EVERYBODY – knows it from the git-go – but it will be a Media circus – and THAT is the entire point.

    The dissemination of lies, the tsunami of mendacity, the air choked with prevarication, the waters polluted with prevarication, the National Dialogue rancid with putrid dissimulation, will be unprecedented.

    None will be the wiser – and it may push some, otherwise rational, people to consider violence against the purveyors of dishonesty.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Buzzfeed publishes uncorroborated dossier. Buzzfeed publishes anonymous second hand accusations.

    Buzzfeed publishes bullshit and defies you to disprove a negative.

    Before NY Times v. Sullivan, this is what was quaintly known as libel.


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