According to the woman with the Moai head, Hope is dead – IOTW Report

According to the woman with the Moai head, Hope is dead

Is Hope one of her dress designers?


-PatriotRetort: Since the election of Donald Trump, America’s confidence in the future has skyrocketed. For the first time in years, people feel hopeful about the direction of the country.

But for Michelle Obama, hope is dead.

In her interview with Oprah Winfrey, Michelle declared an era of hopelessness has begun. Ironically enough, it coincides perfectly with she and Barack vacating the White House.

For Michelle and Barack, America’s sense of hope is directly tied to their own.

If they’re happy, we’re supposed to be happy. If they’re living the dream, we should be happy that they’re living the dream. Even if our lives are chaotic, stressful and completely up in the air.

And if they’re hopeless and distraught over Donald Trump winning, they assume the rest of the country is just as hopeless and distraught as they are.

No surprises there. The Obamas both think they are the center of the universe.  MORE

30 Comments on According to the woman with the Moai head, Hope is dead

  1. What I don’t get about Oprah’s fame is that it was white women who
    made her what she is, a billionaire, racist ignoramous; black and overweight. Only in America could that happen. Yet when push came to shove in 2008 she endorsed the homeboy, and not the white woman.
    Fuck you whitey! Michelle is of the same stripe, a racist true and true who hates white America. There I said it!

  2. if i were married to an illegal alien posing as president, and if I had millions of ill-gotten dollars, and if my spouse had encouraged terrorism against our country and you thought you may be prosecuted, then, yah, I’d have no hope either.

  3. I can understand her depression (and be glad about it). She was expecting the H-Rod administration to continue vigorously corn-holing the responsible and productive Americans for the benefit of the parasites and thugs, and it looks like there’s little hope for that. Thanks, DJT!

  4. no more free lobster every night
    no more raiding the White House draperies & sofas for ‘fashions’
    no more free trips to Vail or Martha’s Vineyard
    no more free misogynistic cRAP concerts w/ the kids
    no more free …. anything!

    no hope, no hope …. what a world, what a world
    …. cry me a river Mooch

    (wonder how long it’s gonna take before they devour Bo?)

  5. Moosehell is leaving left unsaid what she is really depressed and hopeless about.
    The tax payer paid for multi-million dollar vacations are ending.

    The rest of us are darn happy about that. With increasing hope that 90% + of Barry’s agenda will be destroyed, and miss set aright.

  6. At long last the real Michael will come forth like the harpy from the wasp nest…I don’t Hussein will pay for all that shovel ready makeup and “pretend im a gurl” bullshit.

  7. After eight LONG, COLD, HARD years of her faux president husband’s, ABUSE of his powers, rule, hope had been stomped to death

    DJ Trump was duly elected by the OBAMA OPPRESSED PEOPLE of the USA, despite all of the illegal; underhanded; dirty tricks; EXTREME bias of the MSM; and filth of the DNC.

    So go suck a rotten egg and drink sour milk, because HOPE has RISEN from the grave in which you and your husband tried to bury it.
    Pack your jealousy along with your ‘stuff’ and get lost

  8. Michelle/Michael is just pissed because she/he/it waited too long to have the final surgery which would have lopped off his dong and balls and completed the transformation from a hulking, ugly, racist black man into a hulking, ugly, racist he/she/it on the taxpayers dime.

    Just wait in a few years he/she/it will outweigh that horribly obese Okrah Wimperfry by at least fitty pounds

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