Accused ‘Diversity Visa’ ISIS Murderer: ‘I Am Following Orders of Allah’ – IOTW Report

Accused ‘Diversity Visa’ ISIS Murderer: ‘I Am Following Orders of Allah’


The Islamic State (ISIS) terror suspect — who came to the United States on the “Diversity Visa Lottery” — accused of murdering eight people in New York City, said in court he is “following orders of Allah.”

In October 2017, 31-year-old Uzbek national Sayfullo Saipov allegedly mowed down eight individuals in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City after securing a visa in 2010 through the Diversity Visa Lottery, which President Trump has asked Congress to end.

The Diversity Visa Lottery randomly gives out about 55,000 visas every year to foreign nationals from a multitude of countries, including those with known terrorist problems – such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Yemen, and Uzbekistan. read more

16 Comments on Accused ‘Diversity Visa’ ISIS Murderer: ‘I Am Following Orders of Allah’

  1. “Despite holding both chambers of Congress at the time of the New York City terrorist attack, Republican lawmakers failed to ever pass legislation that eliminates the Diversity Visa Lottery. Since the attack, the Visa Lottery has brought — at random — more than 100,000 foreign nationals to the U.S.”

    Traitors on both sides of the aisle.

  2. I thought they would all love Americans, no? Justice would be if it happened to to pols that did this to us. Like Agent Orange nothing happens until a general or politician’s boy gets poisoned. There seems to be an enemy within and the swamp remains.

  3. He should accidentally fall into the waters off Martha’s Vineyard which are shark infested.
    Rescue would be out of the question, especially if there was blood in the water. Sharks can’t detect blood from 3 miles away, so he will not have very long to wait for service.

  4. Want to stop this terrorist bullshit?
    Take every terrorist in Gitmo, shoot them and throw them to some Texas feral hogs, imported for just such a reason
    Film it and hack all the major terrorist websites and stream it over and over.
    Then put out a statement that every terrorist caught or killed will eventually end up in this manner.
    Then follow through

  5. @Joe6pak: “Mark, just shave the beard? You’re not going to stick a pigs foot down his throat, or give him a hot bacon grease enema, or anything like that?”

    No Joe. I don’t torture roaches, I just kill ’em.


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