Accused of molesting a 17 year-old girl, Republican representative from Kentucky, Dan Johnson, commits suicide – IOTW Report

Accused of molesting a 17 year-old girl, Republican representative from Kentucky, Dan Johnson, commits suicide

Well, that wraps up the case. He drove onto a bridge, got out of his car and shot himself, in, oddly, Bullitt County, Kentucky.

WDRB- According to court documents obtained by theĀ Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting, the alleged molestation took place on New Year’s Eve in 2012. The alleged victim, who was 17 at the time, told authorities that she was staying in a living area of the Heart of Fire City Church where Johnson was pastor, when Johnson, who had been drinking a lot, approached her, kissed her and fondled her under her clothes.

Gov. Matt Bevin tweeted a statement Wednesday night, saying his “heart breaks for (Johnson’s) family.”


A Kentucky state representative who was under investigation for allegedly sexually molesting a teenage girl committed suicide Wednesday night, authorities said.

Republican State Rep. Dan Johnson fatally shot himself on a bridge inĀ Mount Washington, WDRB-TV reported, citing Bullitt County Sheriff Donnie Tinnell.

Johnson was accused of molesting a 17-year-old girl at a New Year’s party in 2012, according to a Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting expose published Monday.

He allegedly forced himself on the girl, put his hands up her shirt and down her pants, the report says.

Cops closed the case and Johnson was never charged.

Johnson would often refer to himself as the “Pope” of his church. He posted a message on Facebook at around 5 p.m. denying the sexual misconduct allegations against him.

“The accusations from NPR are false GOD and only GOD knows the truth, nothing is the way they make it out to be. AMERICA will not survive this type of judge and jury fake news,” Johnson wrote.

Democrats and Republicans had called on Johnson to resign amid the allegations he dismissed as “totally false.”


36 Comments on Accused of molesting a 17 year-old girl, Republican representative from Kentucky, Dan Johnson, commits suicide

  1. ” Cops closed the case and Johnson was never charged.”

    Then he killed himself because of all the badgering? Maybe from now on we should have a traveling guillotine to cut the heads off the accused. We’ll get to the investigation of their alleged crimes as time allows.

  2. Bad_Brad- There was a politician in England who was forced to resign, took his pay, trashed in the media, all that shit. His accuser wasn’t known to him. He never knew who was accusing him, never heard her name never saw her face, he denied ever raping anyone, but she said he raped her and that’s all they had to hear. No trial, nothing. He killed himself because he couldn’t take it anymore.

    There’s a very good chance this dude here did nothing to that 17 year old. He’s dead, either way.

  3. The false accusation problem isn’t just left and right, it’s happening at warp speed to people we never heard of because hollywood started a trend. I can’t stand any part of Hollywood. But you know what? Even the creeps in hollywood are not ALL guilty and they deserve a day in court, no matter which way it goes.

  4. Sure. He committed suicide. Uh huh. Right. Why do I have s hard time believing anything in the news now? Something smells funny about all this stuff.

    Or maybe I watch too many political thrillers…….

  5. Waiting FIVE years to re-open a closed case? I smell a rat. A very large rat.
    I hope the young woman who accused Rep Johnson, and brought about his suicide, has trauma and guilt. Severe guilt. She deserves it. And with that, she could serve as an object lesson to others NOT to make false accusations.

  6. When I was in high school I remember telling this big prick if I ever get so depressed that I want to kill my self
    I’m going to take some people with me. You’re going to be on that list.
    I still feel the same today. 55 years later, the big prick died years ago but my list is really long now.
    I say take people with you. Get even. Settle scores.

  7. Anonymous December 13, 2017 at 9:44 pm

    Be sure your sin will find you out

    Where’s the proof of the sin? Now any woman can say that so and so male raped her? This is beyond a witch hunt of 200 years ago. This sickens me for anyone to be accused without a trial and jury. This is all going to end badly. WTF!

  8. Brown Eyed Girl December 13, 2017 at 11:56 pm

    My opinion has always been that it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s true or not. Once the accusation has been made, you are forever labeled.

    What you said! Words can’t explain what a person feels to be accused of something they did not do. These witch hunts have to stop!

  9. Even if he did it, the age of consent in Kentucky is 17, so if he wasn’t a public figure he could have just said, “So what?” and thumbed his nose.

    Just another reason not to go into politics.

  10. Could there have been other accusers lined up? True or not this guy was facing a boatload of lawsuits and being treated like a pervert and criminal. His ego couldn’t take the humiliation. He probably thought he still had control of one thing, his life. He wasn’t letting anyone else decide his fate. Tragic decision that ignored solutions better than suicide. “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall, Poverbs 16:18” may apply in this case.


    I told you these lying attention-whore women should not be believed.

    Now we are going to have a swarming hoard of them fighting for attention, maybe even worse than it is now.

  12. I was accused in high school of attempted rape. I was 16. Things got pretty miserable for a couple of days. Finally the girl broke down and admitted it was all a lie (she was a known attention whore). During those two days I was a pariah. Friends abandoned me and strangers were threatening me. Things were never the same even after she confessed. I understand this guy’s suicide.

  13. Like others have said, the accusation alone tarnishes you even if proven false. The burden of proof should be on the accuser, not the accused. You said I touched you inappropriately and you didn’t report it IMMEDIATELY? Then you’re a lying liar. You got raped but didn’t have the evidence collected? Sorry, but too f’ing bad. WTF should you be believed a year later?

    Someone who makes a proven false accusation shouldn’t get just a slap on the wrist (most don’t even get that), they should get the punishment that would have been given to the accused. If rape carries a 5 year sentence, a woman who falsely accuses a man of it should be sent to prison for 5 years.

    Too harsh? Tell that to Dan Johnson. I don’t know if he did what he’s accused of, but unless the woman (she was NOT underage so is presumed to be responsible) told someone AT THAT TIME or has some other proof, she just pushed a man to kill himself. Seems like another girl got sent to prison last summer because she convinced her boyfriend to commit suicide.

  14. It bothers me that this guy thought of himself as the pope of his church.
    One of the benefits of going to church is never being alone and hopefully having people stand with you if youā€™re falsely accused, unfortunately thatā€™s usually not the case, they give you the boot.

  15. @muddjuice December 13, 2017 at 10:41 pm

    You sound like the kind of homophobic white supremacist that doesn’t believe the surgeon that accused The Clinton Clan of ripping off Haitian relief funds, actually stabbed himself to death. In the chest. With a kitchen knife. And missed his heart. So he just laid down on the bathroom floor. And bled out.

    Why you so stupid?

  16. @Phuzzy Logick December 14, 2017 at 8:55 am

    > Someone who makes a proven false accusation shouldnā€™t get just a slap on the wrist (most donā€™t even get that), they should get the punishment that would have been given to the accused.

    Surely, Loyal Citizen, you only mean such rough justice applied to mere citizens!? How could Good Government continue to rule wisely, were it subject to punishment for it’s Honest mistakes?

  17. Yeah I take it back, commented too quickly, he sounded guilty at first blush, a drunk Pope of his church groping a youngster got me going but I agree this rush to punishment is getting crazy and I apologize for adding to the hysteria.

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