Ace Frehley Says ALL Americans Should Support the President – IOTW Report

Ace Frehley Says ALL Americans Should Support the President

The ex-KISS guitarist in a moment of reflective sobriety.


“I hate politics,” he said on the Juliet: Unexpected podcast (embedded below). “I don’t like talking politics, and I don’t think politics and music mix. I really frown on musicians who get up on a platform and start talking about the president or complain about – I just don’t think it belongs. I’m an entertainer. There’s no reason to bring up politics. Let me play my guitar and write songs and entertain people. That’s my job.”

Still, when pressed, Frehley offers some specific ideas about who we should approach such discourse.

“Let me say this about Trump,” he said. “Whether you love him or hate him, if you’re an American and you’re a patriot, you should get behind your president. He was elected. We live under the Constitution of the United States, and you’re supposed to support your president. Love him or hate him, you’re supposed to support him, or go move to another country. … Being American, we have the right to free speech, and I’m all for everybody putting their two cents in on everything, but when musicians or actors get really verbal and jump on a bandwagon against our government, I don’t agree with that.”

4 Comments on Ace Frehley Says ALL Americans Should Support the President

  1. I reside on this big canoe called America. I’m expected to help row.
    So I do.
    I hated that bastard Obama. But I still paid my taxes and did not protest, block traffic, or wear a mask and slug it out with strangers.
    That’s rowing.
    I expect the same from everybody else


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