Acknowledgment Must Be Made – IOTW Report

Acknowledgment Must Be Made

Will everyone join me, please, in a slow golf clap, building to a nice roar for a site that got it right from the beginning.

It was treated, largely, as a nutter site, lost on the outer rim of reason. It endured ridicule, guffaws and spit-takes as they presented their theories about a monster vote looming out there beyond the horizon.

I have to admit, some days I had my doubts. It was hard to see their vision at times.

They were right. Most were wrong. They remained calm, steadfast and their prognostications out-performed every agency’s research, every expert’s prediction, every firm’s poll.

That site is


34 Comments on Acknowledgment Must Be Made

  1. Congrats are in order, but we haven’t won the war just yet. We now have to be ever more vigilant, continually active and hold the new administration’s feet to the fire to make sure they deliver all that was promised!

  2. First I thank God, He answered my prayers , our country at last has been saved ..
    Second I thank BIG FUR HAT, he gave me hope and courage
    Third I wish all of us here at IOTW could meet to celebrate…. What a blast!

  3. I learned of this site from that site. Also I learned so much more about the actual underhanded workings of the political class. They are a treasure and kept my hopes up when things looked grim. Yuge debt of gratitude.

  4. BFH, for those of us who eschew reading 300 or 400 comments per thread, iOTW helped get me through these past 18 agonizing months with very good info and many smiles.

    Thanks you, Big. You never let us down. N.e.v.e.r.

  5. CTH and IOTWReport have been a candle in the window during this blizzard of lies and deceit.
    The amount of time & resources Mr. Hat, Sundance, and their crews have invested is immeasurable.
    I cannot thank all y’all enough for your unwavering dedication and hard work.
    Stopping the vile, deviant, degenerates that have been running our great country into the whore house is our mandate and right.
    God Bless America!

  6. Ditto, ditto and ditto.
    The new media of the internet has overtaken the old mainstream media. Viewership of the networks will fall drastically if they continue to bash Trump and his supporters (like they did last night and this morning).

  7. I will not join you in that, but I will give kudos to BigFurHat and iotwreport for fighting the good fight, at the risk of your health and your sanity. You are da’ man, BFH!

  8. Hurrah for Conservative Tree House!

    I would like to thank Big Fur Hat and crew for iotwreport and it’s readers and posters for helping me cut through the fog of this election campaign. A decisive first battle has been won. We must consolidate, reorganize, reload, resupply, rest, and prepare for the battles ahead. With due diligence and resolve the Trump army is on the way to total victory. I praise and thank God who is always with me and you all for standing alongside me on the line.

    We have tasted victory and it is sweet. Roll on deplorables roll on !!

  9. I regular share on fb (probably not enough) from here – the graphics are the mainstay, and a lot of them are wickedly good, and have been appreciated over time.

    But TCT.. I managed to flip some undecided, naysayers, and ‘too well-educated’ by pointing them toward the stellar work they did with the George Zimmerman and Mike Brown cases. Straight-up grinding detail to-a-dust work. I imagine those flipped passed it along. They had an awesome ground game right off, for anyone who cared to do some actual reading. Huge thank you to them.

  10. Thank you CTH!
    So few sites left with any integrity.

    My heartfelt and teary thanks go to all the IOTWer’s who have been a lifeline and sanity saver especially since the beginning of the year. This has been a place to learn, share, hope, blow off steam, renew the determination and much more. God Bless all of you.
    Dum spiro spero

  11. Congratulations to CTH! A big thank you is in order to BFH and all the iOTWers for for never dropping the banner. Celebrate and enjoy this moment. We ALL deserve it. Do not forget though, “they” will return in greater numbers next cycle. Stay vigilant, my friends.

  12. the Conservative Treehouse and IOTW have been my islands of sanity in a MSM-world-gone-mad over the last year or so.

    Many thanks to both sites, Sundance, and IOTW contributors for all their good work.

    Thank YOU!

  13. You know who else owes that site a thank-you, as well as an apology?

    Mark Levin. I had already tuned him out over his NT/must be Cruz thesis, done again and again.

    I managed to hit him (the affiliate is on pre-set) one evening just in time to hear him go after Sundance and the site. Pissed me right off.

    So yeah, a thanks, and an apology are in order. Unless someone chimes in here saying that’s happened, that be that. I won’t hold my breath.

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