ACLU: Maui is one big outdoor bathroom – IOTW Report

ACLU: Maui is one big outdoor bathroom

There’s trouble in paradise.

American Thinker: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wants Hawaii’s island of Maui to forgo legislative measures to keep sleeping homeless people off the sidewalks and from relieving themselves in public.

That’s right.  The ACLU thinks people have a constitutional right to drop their pants and let go in front of other people.

The bills are about public health, according to Maui County mayor Alan Arakawa.

But they are also arguably about protecting the critical tourist industry, which  MORE

10 Comments on ACLU: Maui is one big outdoor bathroom

  1. Right you are, Brad. Remember whenever there was a Republican in the whitehouse, from Reagan on, we saw endless news reports on the MSM about the plight of the homeless. With Clinton and now Obozo, where are the stories? In my neck of the woods, we are over-run with these parasites.

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