Several media pundits dismissed reports of a conservative journalist’s attack during a rally Saturday in Portland, Oregon.
Alheli Picazo was one of several media talking heads who appeared to partially blame Quillette editor Andy Ngo after he was assaulted during a street protest. Ngo’s past record of antagonizing activists played a role in his attack, she wrote in a tweet Saturday.
“After relentlessly baiting and harassing antifa, far-right provocateur Andy Ngo finally got his wish of being milkshaked. Far-right simpletons like Tim Pool will milk this “victim” story for the next week at least,” Bernard said in a tweet Saturday night as the incident unfolded.
If you’re going to ground zero at an obvious clash of tiny little dicks, be prepared to get hosed.
Fuck it. I’m going gun shopping.😁
I don’t understand why it is legal to wear a mask over your face if you are protesting…anything. Obviously, you intend to commit a crime. Where are the riot police?
That is the problem for the left. They need to have the politeright to act violently like their side does. We debate issues. They wear masks and wield clubs and assert the moral high ground.
At some point, those that are correct will no longer tolerate the play acting and gratuitous violence of the left. Their really bad horrible miserable day is coming. Who knows when?
Most “journalists” today never get up off their asses. They’re idea of reporting is going on Twitter to see what AOC tweeted then writing a piece called “AOC claps back at *fill-in-the-blank*” then tweeting the “article” out on Twitter.
Shoe-leather journalism among mainstream outlets is dead.
And the pampered little shits that cover the White House act like they’re on the front lines because they walked up from their White House press room desk to the Rose Garden and oooooh! aren’t they brave!!
In Accoster’s case the bruises would be a great make-up job, meaning he took lessons from & hired some of Jessie Smollett’s crew.
Like 50 years ago, most “journalists” back than never get up off their asses. A cup of coffee, a smoke and a skip over to the teletype from AP/Reuters.
Now their idea of reporting is going on Twitter to see what AOC tweeted then writing a piece called “AOC claps back at *fill-in-the-blank*” then tweeting the “article” out on Twitter.
Whole heartily agrees, same as it ever was,,
Dianny, left out my h/t to you,
your post is right on it!
Made me think about history and remember.
Dianny – My favorite part of ‘journalism’ is when they dictate a story they’re working on and publish it without editing themselves. Whatever app they are using won’t distinguish between THERE, THEIR, THEY’RE, and I saw an article which included, BARE ARMS instead of BEAR ARMS, when they were writing about 1A and 2A.
One can dream.
Antifa(gs) are only a protest away from being Kent Stated.
News They Always Seem To Lose:
No Collusion, No Obstruction, No Conspiracy
DemocRATs and Media Predict Disaster For President Trump Over Russia Claims!
(Maxine Waters)
FOX NEWS Has Been Right All The Time
Hillary Clinton is leading in the Polls
It’s going to be a Landslide for Hillary Clinton
DemocRATs and Media Predict Disaster For President Trump Over Russia Claims!
(Jerry Nadler)
The Mueller Report: The Investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
DemocRATs and Media Predict Disaster For President Trump Over Russia Claims!
(Adam Shiff)
Conspiracy TV Exposed!
The Mainstream Media LIED to YOU!
The Real Collusion: The Dossier.
The Real Campaign Collusion: Hillary Clinton
Hillary’s crimes: Espionage Act (Gross negligence in mishandling Classified documents)
(Intentionally mishandling Classified documents)
The mysterious deaths of people that got close to the Clintons!
DemocRATs and Media Predict Disaster For President Trump Over Russia Claims!
(by all those other Leftist assholes pushing a false narrative)