Acquitted Former Yale Student Suing 15 Women’s Organizations For Defamation – IOTW Report

Acquitted Former Yale Student Suing 15 Women’s Organizations For Defamation

Daily Wire

A former Yale University student who was accused of sexual assault but acquitted at trial is suing 15 women’s organizations he says defamed him after the verdict.

Saifullah Khan was found not guilty in March 2018 but was subsequently expelled from Yale anyway. He sued the university and his accuser – and is now suing women’s organizations he says defamed him in post-verdict filings.

While suing Yale and his accuser, who has not been named in court or the media, the 15 organizations applied to file an amicus brief with the Connecticut Supreme Court. The filing included a proposed brief, which Khan says included “several false and defamatory statements.” more

5 Comments on Acquitted Former Yale Student Suing 15 Women’s Organizations For Defamation

  1. Hope he wins big. Women who think they can falsify an accusation against men for sexual assault need to suffer the same consequences that a man who was truly guilty would suffer when found guilty.

  2. I’m not familiar with this case, is it similar to Emma Sulkowicz the Columbia mattress girl? I’ve heard police claim that half of rape accusations are false.

  3. False accusations are putting a real crimp on college dating.
    And I can’t blame the men for it.
    Either an outright “no”, or ignoring the women, or having them “home” before dark.
    And it never hurts today to have a cell phone pic and a notebook to CYA.


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