Act of Terrorism Committed At University of Buffalo! – IOTW Report

Act of Terrorism Committed At University of Buffalo!


Somebody hung “White Only,” as well as, “Black Only” signs on various bathrooms and water fountains.

Students were OUTRAGED!

One student on Twitter said it was a hate crime and an act of terrorism!! The tweet was retweeted 700 times, and favorited 500 times. In the Twitterverse, this is akin to a unanimous proclamation – THIS WAS AN ACT OF TERRORISM!

Who was the terrorist? The identity of the person throws the narrative off course. What’s a social justice warrior to do?

26 Comments on Act of Terrorism Committed At University of Buffalo!

  1. “Hello, is this 911? Well, my emergency is thatI have to go the restroom, but someone posted an offensive sign on that restroom and in protest I refuse to use that restroom but I have to use the restroom real bad. This IS an emergency, I have to go real bad, won’t you help me??”

  2. What are these Wussy,Sissified,Panty Waste,Sheltered,Dumbed Down,Special Snow Flakes
    going to do when a real act of blood & guts terrorism takes place near them???
    Hysteria,crying,fetal position…. A conservative laughs at those silly signs.A libtard gets indignant &
    enraged! That’s why libtards are unhappy & miserable.

  3. This whole racist hoax thing has turned into a dog bites man story.
    I was there for the labels, I have know racists, doing stuff like this is,,, well,,, racist, eh?
    Let us know when you get a story about real racism by a white, I know some, they are really old.

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