Acting AG Matthew Whitaker Works Sheila Jackson Lee’s Last Nerve – IOTW Report

Acting AG Matthew Whitaker Works Sheila Jackson Lee’s Last Nerve




Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) got into a confrontation with acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker during a hearing Friday, demanding he not “joke” with her questions.

The argument drew in the leaders of the House Judiciary Committee, with Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D., N.Y.) demanding Whitaker follow Jackson Lee’s directions and the committee’s ranking member, Rep. Doug Collins (R., Ga.), pushing back. Jackson Lee had asked Whitaker whether he ever appeared before an oversight hearing or was confirmed in the Senate, and Nadler demanded he “answer the question as asked.”

Nadler accused Whitaker of stalling but got pushback from the Republican Collins, who said Jackson Lee’s demand of “yes or no” was inappropriate.

“If he feels that a yes or a no is appropriate, he’ll answer in a yes or a no; if he does not feel it’s appropriate, he should be able to answer in the appropriate way, as many other Democrats have done before this committee before,” Collins said. “This is unreal.”

“I will not allow the witness to stall and waste members’ time,” Nadler said.

“Where were you when Ms. Lynch and Mr. Holder were here?” Collins replied, referring to the Obama administration’s Attorneys General Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder.  Go See.

30 Comments on Acting AG Matthew Whitaker Works Sheila Jackson Lee’s Last Nerve

  1. Lots of speculation if Whitaker was another swamper. He proved his anti swamp bona fides the minute he informed midget Nadler, “congressman, I believe your 5 minutes are up”.
    From there on out he owned them. From chewing up their 5 minutes, to sparring with Ted Dooosh to Swallwells.

    I believe Whitaker would’ve been the AG we need for times such as this.

    SJL believes herself to be a cunning legal mind, with her standard “just answer the question, yes or no”. Shes been owned twice, Diamond and Silk and now Whitaker.

  2. @ The Good GENERAL Svejk February 9, 2019 at 3:45 pm

    Look bastard, the language warning was only part of your responsibility before posting shit like that. I have a good notion to send you my doctor bill. I laughed so Goddamned hard I inhaled a dip of snoose and damn near choked to death. If the neighbor weren’t a paramedic I would have probably been found here Monday when I didn’t show up for work choked out on the floor in front of my computer.

  3. TO JDHasty FEBRUARY 9, 2019 AT 5:32 PM

    You’re welcome! and: that’s MISTER bastard to YOU! 😉
    (glad you liked it!)

    I swear, I’m not sure they altered Sheila Jackson Lee’s part in any way.


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