ACTION ALERT: June 8th Vote To Rid Mississippi of a Corrupt Communist Mayor – IOTW Report

ACTION ALERT: June 8th Vote To Rid Mississippi of a Corrupt Communist Mayor


Crime is rampant, the homicide rate has exploded to record levels, and the water is unsafe.

Like his father, Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is a communist, which is precisely why Jackson, Mississippi is a crime-ridden, mismanaged, corrupt mess. Crime is rampant, the homicide rate has exploded to record levels, and the water is unsafe.

Lumumba became mayor in 2017, winning 93% of the vote. He has repeatedly bragged that he will make Jackson the “most radical city on the planet.”

Jackson’s current mayor has deep ties to the Marxist-Leninist / Maoist Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). He is also connected to the Marxist-Leninist Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), according author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon, an expert on communist infiltration. more

28 Comments on ACTION ALERT: June 8th Vote To Rid Mississippi of a Corrupt Communist Mayor

  1. “Lumumba blames “environmental racism, divestment and white flight” for the water problems.”

    Wonder why they would have those problems arise? Especially the “white flight” which, I would think, would be something desirable to them so they quit holding the black man down and causing all their problems.

    In any event, a win with 93% of the vote last go round doesn’t seem to suggest he will be ousted next time, especially with all that “white flight” taking place getting rid of most of the racists who would vote against him.

  2. He was elected with 93% of the vote? That didn’t scream fraud to anyone? Looks like a firefighter and a former state legislator are running against him. This will be a race (no racism intended with the use that word) to watch.

  3. Anon 11:54
    Spoken like a true DildoCrat Communist, conflating apples and oranges. Now STFU.

  4. Enough
    APRIL 20, 2021 AT 11:25 AM
    “How the heck do these people get elected in Mississippi?”

    …same way as everywhere. People who vote same Black skin color+America hating liberals+public school trained White Guilt voters+Democrat regular fraud+rigged voting machines = stuff like this every time…

  5. Jackson voted in a Commie, redder than a big fire truck,
    He’s been screwing up Jackson, man that town is really f***ed,
    We’re going to Jackson, We’re gonna be right there,
    Yeah, we’re goin’ to Jackson,
    Kick out that Commie mayor.

    (apologies to Johnny and June)

  6. burner
    APRIL 20, 2021 AT 12:18 PM
    ““Lumumba blames “environmental racism, divestment and white flight” for the water problems.”
    So he admits it takes white people to solve their problems?”

    …they want White people so they have a hated group they can steal money from with race-based taxes, and also blame everything on.

    You know, like the Jewish people in Nazi Germany.

    …it’s just Satan repeating again, but this time in blackface…

  7. BTW, virtual signaling Anonymous 11:54–sorry your panties are in a wad over the number of comments for a specific post. Did you notice that some commenters commented MULTIPLE times? Why do you care anyway? Shove off.

  8. Anonymous 11:54 stays anonymous so that when he/she makes stupid comments no one knows which anonymous to attribute the comment to. If I was an anonymous I would be pissed off to be lumped in with all the other useless anonymouses.

  9. “He [“Lumumba’s” daddy] was born in Detroit, Michigan, as Edwin Finley Taliaferro …”

    A Detroit carpetbagger capitalizing on the native stupidity of Jackson’s LIPs.
    Pelosi, Waters, Mittens – all carpetbaggers in exceptionally ignorant districts.

    Another rabid dog.

    When he steals enough (assuming the LIPs have caught on) he’ll move on to destroy some other shit-hole.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Communism hasn’t ever improved people’s lives, even one tiny bit. How people can vote for it stunningly amazing. It takes a special kind of stupid to want this.


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