Patriot Retort:
Okay, I laughed my ass off yesterday when the Blue Checks on Twitter were having kittens over that Jan 6 witness who claimed that Action Movie Trump was so determined to go to the Capitol on January 6, that he “lunged” for the steering wheel in the presidential SUV and choked the Secret Service driver.
You’d have to be a truly committed member of the ResistanceLOL to believe that laughable claim.
Just ten days ago, the Blue Check ResistanceLOL countered all the mockery of Peepaw Joe falling off his completely stationary bike by reminding everyone that Trump wasn’t able to walk down a ramp without help, has never ridden a bike, and can’t even drive, so THERE!

Now, ten days later they all believe Action Movie Trump is able to leap over the seat of the presidential SUV and attack the Secret Service driver so he could commandeer the steering wheel?
Believing this idiotic story requires so much willing suspension of disbelief, it would fill every floor of the Nakatomi Plaza.
…my favorite action hero President God Emperor Trump…
I believe there’s a barrier behind the driver in all Presidential limo’s. (Someone can set me straight.)
If Trump runs/wins in 2024, I’d like him to open-carry one of Patton’s revolvers on his hip. Maybe the Patton family will donate one. Walk into a press conference packing. That’d be great in my book.
:prostrates fully before holographic image of our Divine Potentate:
Their guy is crapping his pants and shaking hands with invisible people while dragging us into a WW3. And they really think this is going to damage Trump after everything else they’ve said the last 7 years?!
..more on the Norse Legend of Donald Trump…
I’ve seen Trump(pbuh) levitate all of Tiburon island in the Sea of Cortez once.
He would have done it twice but figured the FAA would accuse him of grandstanding and launch an investigation into him over ‘air piracy’.
Spot on as usual!
I don’t recall EVER linking to a twit, but this one’s a winner.
And I can’t EVER recall you finishing a single Spanish lesson with me.
You left me speechless….ah-ha…aha…ha…ha….on the Biden calls for EMERGENCY something or other dem drama unfolds thread from last night.
I’ll try to schedule my lessons with you whenever Matlock isn’t on TV somewhere in Florida.
Interesting. I can’t recall ever STARTING a single Spanish lesson with you.
For the record, I haven’t turned on my TV yet this year, and the only thing I’ve ever liked Andy Griffith in was the first half of No Time for Sargeants.
I’d have continued with the mutilated Barbie thread, but found COMMENTS ARE CLOSED. I wonder what the maximum term is before commenting is aborted here?
All I do is pull teeth around here to get you people to part with the wisdom you have developed over a misbegotten lifetime.
But noooOOOoooOOOOooo. Each verb I conjugate…every gerund I…..hell, I don’t even know what a gerund earns in a week.
The point is, everytime I ask you for some clarification you do the intellectually unthinkable and assume you’re knowledge is common. You take it for granted.
That always astounds me. You people take your life experiences for granted. Might as well Use one kleenex and throw the rest of the box away.
If non of this sounds cromulent or worthy of contrafibularities then let me lay my cards on the table.
Son of a flea!
Every. Single. Time.
But not THIS time.
Quiero mis lecciones de español gratis.
We have a quasiepistemological dilemma here. I know what I know, but I don’t know what you know, so how can I differentiate what I know that you also know from what I know that you don’t know?
And there’s also a dilemma in etiquette to consider. If I err too often by assuming you don’t know something that you do know, then it appears I am unappreciative of your knowledge and/or intelligence.
So it looks like I err the other way, and so you think I’m taking for granted what I know. I guess if I can’t get it just right at the balance point, I’d rather be thought courteous and non-condescending.
Or should I just pollute your mother’s milk and be done with it? (-:
Gotta go. Killer, one of the two household cat goddesses, demands adoration.
¡Hasta mañana!
Quiero mis lecciones de español gratis.
See, now that sounds like regular White Man talk. Hell, it’s even more eloquent and formal while still being….I dunno’….macho.
But I ain’t fooled so easily 742 times by Spanish.
I just want to know what you hear when I type Multitud duro. To me it’s cave man talk. Duro multitud sounds smoother in my ear.
I bet DeSantis speaks Spanish.
Florida is full of aquatic Spanish speaking people. It’s weird though. They all come from these islands but I never see them swim.
Even their word for swim, ‘nadar’ sounds non swimmy. It’s like the answer to “you wanna go swimmin’?” And the dude says “nadar”in response.
The fuq? I ain’t gettin’ that wussy bastard a beach towel.
El Magnifico. water polo is terribly hard on the horses
JULY 1, 2022 AT 6:52 AM
“I bet DeSantis speaks Spanish.”
…DeSantis isof Italian descent, and his name is a Romance language variant of the Spanish “De Santos”, or “Of the saints”.
…as such, perhaps you never see him swimming in the water because he can walk on top of it…
The placement of modifiers, i.e. adjectives and adverbs, doesn’t always follow the “follow” rule and I’ve never figured out when it’s proper to go rogue.
But it’s always seemed to me to make more sense to do it the usual Spanish way, with the modifier following the modified. In spoken Spanish, you know immediately what’s what.
For example, you see a beautiful woman driving a beautiful car. In English, you might start your declarative sentence, “Look at that beautiful…” and your listener at that exact point is caught waiting for the ambiguity to be resolved. Is it a beautiful car or beautiful woman?
In Spanish, you’d say, “Mira a esa mujer tan hermosa.” See? You get “mujer” FIRST, and there’s no doubt that the “hermosa” applies to her.
Also, when gender is involved (and I’m using the concept legitimately as a grammatical property, not some deviant’s fantasy), the modifier takes on the gender of the modified and not the subject of the sentence, if it’s that kind of sentence.
For example:
English: “She stabbed him with a long knife.”
Spanish: “Ella lo apuñaló con un cuchillo largo.”
Even though “Ella” is feminine, the masculine “cuchillo” (“knife”) is described with the masculine “largo” (“long”) and not the feminine “larga”.
Thus endeth the lesson / Así termina la lección.
p.s. I lied. It’s not over yet.
If by “multitud duro” you mean to say “tough crowd” it would sound better to me if you translated that to “audiencia dificil” (literally, “difficult audience”).
The only Spanish I know is “Get the fuck out of my country”.