Activist with the self-described intellect and emotion of a fish makes an idiot of himself on the internet – IOTW Report

Activist with the self-described intellect and emotion of a fish makes an idiot of himself on the internet

 Man Yells at Fishermen, Claims Fish Have Same Abilities as Human Children (VIDEO)

The face of stupidity-

There is also a voice of stupidity behind the camera, his binty companion who claims that a fisherman’s catch is “not their property.”

If I were there I would have told him he’s killing insects as he stomped around in his Nazi boots.


23 Comments on Activist with the self-described intellect and emotion of a fish makes an idiot of himself on the internet

  1. Jack Nicholson
    Where did they teach you to talk like that, in some Panama City “Sailor wanna hump-hump” bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.

  2. The kook should try that up in Alaska. Last time I was up there for the silver salmon run, a good number of the fishermen were wearing sidearms (in case of a run in with an Alaskan brown bear).

  3. @:
    I have a friend that went hunting and there were some protesters blocking / sitting near the entrance to his favorite hunting spot, they had made a campfire in the middle of a narrow road to block hunters, so he backs up his truck 100 yards and floors it, yep they all moved as he ran right over the fire and kept on going to the happy hunting grounds.

  4. It’s not insanity, it’s the utter STUPIDITY of mistaking your own ignorance for knowledge.

    This fool (no Mr T pity) didn’t know the fish he threw back in was what we call “invasive” and, once caught, must not be returned into the water.


    Like I said, STUPIDITY. It’s the Left’s calling card.

  5. Give the props (kids) the opportunity to return the fish to the water. Then grab nutbag shithead and throw him over the railing.

    There you are motherfucker, swim around in empathy with the fish.

    Almost as satisfying as right cross to the mouth.

  6. Dear MJA
    I hope you don’t think this too forward: love your comment.
    As for the Loons which swim in our local waters, they would maintain, “fish samage – yes, with a side of knuckles for the two-legged loon who stole the fish”.

  7. That’s when you fall into full retard mode, literally act like a retard and have your friend calmly state, “The only thing he can eat is fish.”

    If there’s push back, they are retard killers and that’s your cue to start seizing.

  8. One of my ironclad, undeniable rules: Never argue with liberals, drug addicts, or two year olds. They all lack the ability to process common sense, have no interest in hearing you speak, and are generally missing that part of the brain that understands logic. Better to just walk away.

  9. His ‘binty companion’ should have been asked whether the oxygen in the air as his property either, and then told he should refrain from using any if it wasn’t. A spare plastic bag might have helped the ‘binty companion’ from future theft of common property, forever.

  10. I am amazed at that those 2 guy self control.

    Getting that far into my 7yd circle running his mouth like that would have earned him, at best, a free swimming lesson or a trip to the ER at the worst.

  11. I’d never leave a fish to lie dying on the hot pavement gasping for air. When I shore fish I carry an ice pick in my tackle box to stab fish thru the eye. They don’t suffer and here’s something you should research, “doesn’t put the meat under stress”. Check that shit out. Hate to sound like a hippy but it:s true.

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